League of legends

James Deavers @growvilye500
League of legends
James Deavers @growvilye500
Im bored right now soo anyone wanna play? xD my name is Haruka Kotoura

Syrup @syrup12
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League of legends
Syrup @syrup12
OH MY GOSH!! Hi! What, uhm.. Thing are you on? xD I hope you know what I mean...

James Deavers @growvilye500
commented on
League of legends
James Deavers @growvilye500
the server? xD NA and like a million other servers

Jozefu desu! @jpompzi
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League of legends
Jozefu desu! @jpompzi

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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League of legends
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
Why yes I do play the Leaguru

♥ ½ M @fudozen
commented on
League of legends
♥ ½ M @fudozen
theres like 3 league threads xD but sure c:. Anyone can add me my ign is Not My Pink Ward just let me know who you are if u add me ._.

tarisutan @tarisutan
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League of legends
tarisutan @tarisutan
I just got back into this game so sure I want to play!

hai @haikadee
commented on
League of legends
hai @haikadee
Gangplank support with Zeke's harbinger is the new meta, i called it first!
i'm on EUW and my summoner name is: Sir herpington
I'm a bronze 3 pleb, but obviously deserve diamond like most of us!
I'm being serious here

hasukun @hasukun
commented on
League of legends
hasukun @hasukun
Im on the NA server and my id is Grumpy_Coud :)
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