Skype group?

legend117 @legend117
Skype group?
legend117 @legend117
We already have some members in the Skype group but we want more! We want you! Lol but seriously we would like to make our group bigger...the more the merrier right? The people in the chat are a fun bunch and are very kind. Well if you wanna join leave your Skype name and we will add you! Look forward to chatting with ya!

Holo chan @holochan
commented on
Skype group?
Holo chan @holochan
Bump bump. We dont bite guys!

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Skype group?
Nakama @jacob1
I'm Jacob.A.Allen on Skype. I don't mind the biting. It the spam I'm nerves about.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
Skype group?
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
How does the group work?

legend117 @legend117
commented on
Skype group?
legend117 @legend117
Alright I will add you right now....look forward to chatting with you! And by the way, I don't think anyone spams the chat.

legend117 @legend117
commented on
Skype group?
legend117 @legend117
@sunflower. Well it's just a chat group. We talk about anything from anime to life. We just want to have fun and make new friends.

Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
commented on
Skype group?
Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
Add me plz skype : xvxdcxvx

legend117 @legend117
commented on
Skype group?
legend117 @legend117
Will do. Look forward to chatting with ya.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
Skype group?
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Is there a time where it starts and ends?

legend117 @legend117
commented on
Skype group?
legend117 @legend117
No it's always can reply to, leave, mute the chat whenever you want....we recently got more people in it so it's getting lively......try it...if you don't like it you can leave if you wish.
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