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Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
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Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
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darkhorse @darkhorse
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darkhorse @darkhorse
I think anyone should be allowed to say the N-Word. I say it all the time, usually out of context (I call black people Negros).
Example- My grandfather is "the old nigga" while my kind black neighbor is "Negro Terrance"

rangerchives @rangerchives
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rangerchives @rangerchives
Kirito is a bad character
FF7 is not the greatest Final fantasy game
Sonic and the black knight is my favorite 3d sonic game

neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
There are videogames out there other than kingdom hearts, final fantasy, fire emblem, league and zelda. Try em sometime guys.

Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
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Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
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DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Social Justice Warriors will save us all from ourselves..bwahahah (sorry cant say that with a straight face)

Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
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Ritsuiokohateswomen @heavenlysword
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lordragna37 @lordragna37
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lordragna37 @lordragna37
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Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Boku-No-Pico was the best anime watched.

Wonderlust @sica
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Wonderlust @sica
Ever been in that type of situation.
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