How to get your friend into anime?

コーリー @anlme
How to get your friend into anime?
コーリー @anlme
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quantummei @quantummei
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How to get your friend into anime?
quantummei @quantummei
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Misunderstood Shark @jethex
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How to get your friend into anime?
Misunderstood Shark @jethex
simply tie them to a chair, hold their eyes open, let them watch some addictive shit like death note and stop at some exciting point. then chase them away. they will make a therapie, try to put you into jail or something like that, but some day they might think "well, i wonder how it went on" and booom, they start watching anime.

Varen @varen
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How to get your friend into anime?
Varen @varen
Don't start them with anything that is too different from what they may be used to.
Ghibli films are a good way to get into anime as they are very accessible to almost everyone, they also have decent English dubs which is also helpful, as a lot of people inherently don't enjoy reading subtitles.
As for a series, something like Fullmetal Alchemist makes a good entry level action series as it doesn't require too much knowledge of Japanese culture or anything else that they may not understand.
Alternatively, just have them watch Inferno Cop, and everything else will work out just fine.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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How to get your friend into anime?
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Get them to read handa-kun

Sunbae @alanzd
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How to get your friend into anime?
Sunbae @alanzd
The anime I started out with was Vampire Knight. I was just bored one day and my older sister was watching it, so I tagged along. I guess just appeal to his taste. If he likes gore, romcoms, drama, supernatural, scifi. Let's just say if I started out with something like slice of life, I probably wouldn't have become a fan of anime.

neeto @neet_one
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How to get your friend into anime?
neeto @neet_one
Tell them to watch boku no pico.
But seriously, best bet is something short and that can easily be related to (in other words nothing too weird or overly Japanese they wouldn't understand). Best bet is ghibli movies, the concepts in them are usually pretty universal for people of different cultures. They can also be pretty popular with people who don't even like anime. Perfect stepping stones if you ask me. Once they've seen a few ghibli movies, then that's when you get them to watch boku no pico.

kakashe @kakashe
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How to get your friend into anime?
kakashe @kakashe
make them watch full metal alchemist brotherhood they will be hooked on anime when they see that

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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How to get your friend into anime?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Me and my friend watched Boku-no-Pico. Made a dare. Whoever chickens out first loses 100$. I won, but I sold my soul to Lucifer.
But I think this method would easily scare people from anime.

AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
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How to get your friend into anime?
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
Just find the right series. I got soooo many friends into anime by just knowing what they like to see. If you know what they are into, then it isn't too hard to find a good series for them. Once you show them something they like, give them a few others. Like I started my friend on Bleach, and then showed stuff like Trigun. Remember, you need to have a firm grasp on what they like. Once you do that, find a series that has that stuff. but try to stick to popular series (Things like Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, FMA, ETC). They are popular for a reason, so stick to them. For example, say they want something with action, some humor, and a western feel, go Trigun. or heavy story, serious and dark fantasy, you could go Berserk, claymore, or Attack on Titan. once they are into it, start feeding them some more obscure stuff.
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