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These Videos helped me how to understand women

all these responses are too long so i didnt read all of them but i say you guys should listen to xueli she is bringing up a good point...social awkwardness doesnt necessarily mean you have to be creepy there is a fine line between the two. like if there is a pic of a girl doing cosplay and her boobs are showing and someone comments like "hey that side boob looks nice" like in what world is that ok? maybe if that was the reaction she was going for maybe then, but still. there are dozens of guys who are ugly asf dating hot girls and they arent rich...you have to have not only luck (finding that one special girl) but a great personality. cause in the end of the day you can be hot but if your a jerk/creep i cant see who would want to be with you (unless they are just that desperate or stupid)
Xueli I hear what you are saying 100%. What she doesn't understand is that she does not have an average girls mind frame. It's hard to find a girl who isn't a sheep to Americas social/beauty standards. It's hard for me to find a girl with her mind frame. The AVERAGE girl between 16-30 is blinded by her friends and media. She has been expose to believe what is hot and what is not. That's why I said these videos work cause it works on these girls and while they may not be the wife material I'm looking for.. I won't know unless I try. So with your logic Xueli your basically telling guys to sit on the sidelines until that magical 1/10000000 girl falls into their lap. I'm sorry but I won't tel the fellas this
Huh.... I'm not "hot" and I'm a social retard, yet I'm in yet another relationship... Clearly, I'm just not in any sort of statistic. I always like how so many complain about how it's so hard for a guy, but then they pass up most women too. Where there's a willing guy, there's a will woman, statistics are in your favor as a male on this one. Now, you don't have to be desperate (playing games is just that), but you should be a little more open just like I see all the crying about how women need to give "all" guys a chance. In other words, don't be a hypocrite. The mating game is nothing new. Western society is weird in it's approach, but the same problems have plagued men and women for centuries. There is no cure all. Sure, there are a few common sense things on how to act and talk to increase your odds, but those videos are no great epiphany for man kind. Just talk, communicate and learn to be friendly while also being straight forward about your intentions. Bathing and dressing nice wouldn't hurt either...
"complimenting her and making her feel secure is what every guy who ends up in the friends zone does... you want to make her feel insecure about herself" "what values do I want in a girl? This is a question most guys don't bother asking themselves." I'm sorry, but this dude is straight up spewing shit. Don't know why anyone would take advice from him. Just another asshole looking to con people. @kingjay saying that there are "average" girls 16-30 (btw, please don't try this on 16 year olds) and this should work on them is fairly misconstrued. No matter how similar girls may seem, they're always different. All guys are different and all girls are different, and many girls these days are completely self-aware of how they objectified in the media; they aren't blinded, but they still like to put in effort to look nice (which I am quite grateful for haha). These videos are more so a guided outline on the "player" mentality which is probably only useful if you're both a model and looking for lustful women, and at that point you probably shouldn't even need the videos to get what you want. Also, there really isn't a "magical girl" imo. Everyone will have flaws, but love is being able to see imperfections as perfections.
@Lurid "Don't know why anyone would take advice from him." Because, sadly, he and people like him are the only people out there actively endeavouring to give men some kind of idea on how to interact with women. I'm willing to bet the success rate of these techniques is greater than zero. Are they the best techniques? Not for me, no, and not for a lot of other guys, I'm sure, but their success rate is greater than zero. Otherwise, nobody would be giving these people any attention, and they certainly wouldn't be paying money to learn these techniques. But what it comes back to is what neko panda-kun :3 said: There is a fine line between socially-awkward and creepy, and the problem is nobody knows where that line is, because it's highly subjective. There are a number of very obviously creepy things, like touching or grabbing inappropriately, but any number of other actions can be seen as threatening. Which is perfectly reasonable. We all have things we're uncomfortable with, and nobody's denying that, but the fact is that guys are DEAD afraid of being called "creepy," and there's nothing out there trying to help them avoid that but the material put out by people like the guy in these videos, who are in it to make money. The guys out here in the dating scene with little experience are disadvantaged, shamed as "creepy," and then exploited for their money by PUA gurus. yaasshat said that the mating game is nothing new, and that's 100% correct, but the environment around it has changed. The lack of positive male role models for young men and boys, the seemingly culturally-encouraged distrust between men and women, and other factors have changed the environment surrounding the mating game such that guys are looking to PUAs for guidance. Again, I don't like this PUA stuff either. I think it's underhanded, generalizing, and based on a strategy of attrition. However, it's a symptom, not the root of the problem. Take down PUA and another, similar philosophy and group of strategies and tactics will take its place in short order.
Ok what the heck LOL. So what if your not a drop dead and gorgeous girl? Pretty sure you can't thumb threw guys and pick the hottest one what the heck LOL. And again that isn't true I SURE Don't want an asshole guy.. THE HELL? I just don't understand this at all.
Stupid videos like this is the reason we have this problem.
Wait people actually watch this stuff? I think the best advice is the tried and true and incredibly simple "Don't try to hard and be yourself". Also people should probably take a look deep inside and maybe realize they don't NEED to be in a relationship. Not having a girlfriend/boyfriend/special person doesn't make you a loser or a bad person or not worthwhile. Having someone to love is nice and all but the reality is that relationships aren't all they're cracked up to be and you don't need one to give yourself some purpose in life or something. So just relax and enjoy being you. Learn to appreciate yourself, your friends, and your family. You see someone you think you might like? Ask them out, if they say no don't freak out and don't push and be on your way, try not to get hung up on it. If you keep pushing and turn into a stalker/creeper you're not only disrespecting and possibly scaring the other person, but I feel you're also diminishing your own value and disrespecting yourself.
It's this society claim of, If your not in a relationship, Your not living so da speak. If you have to look up youtube videos to interact with women, That's a damn damn shame man. Damn shame. @Kingjay Get out of this mindset while you can because i'm pretty sure, Everyone here has heard it all before.
@tg_bottousai Saying "maybe you don't need to be in a relationship" is practically the exact same thing as saying "maybe you do need to be in a relationship." Without any definitiveness in the statement, it's meaningless, and, to be quite honest, a lot of the people who actively desire a relationship probably HAVE tried being without a relationship, and found that lifestyle to be lacking, because when you LIVE the single life and you're miserable because of it, you start to actively desire a relationship. So, the answer is yes, people actually watch this stuff. Should they? Probably not. They're giving attention, repute, and potentially money to people who are -exploiting- them. I think most of us are on-board with the idea that the guy in these videos and people like him are kinda sleazy and -shouldn't- be necessary. That said, the reality is, a lot of men do view them as necessary, and that's a result of several factors working against dudes. Shaming people who have turned to pick-up artist strategies isn't going to help anyone. It's just going to further embitter those people. Empty platitudes like "be yourself" aren't going to help anyone, either. Real talk: If "being yourself" was enough to get a date, nobody would be single. We've been "being ourselves" our entire lives. All we can ever "be" is ourselves. Sometimes it is necessary to change one's behaviour in order to achieve a desired goal. Telling someone to "be themself" is telling them to stagnate and not improve or evolve in any way. The prevalence of that kind of dating advice is what makes people turn to pick-up artists. If we agree that PUAs are a problem, what needs to happen is people need to give real dating advice that helps people.
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