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Jul 21, 15 at 9:24am
Vampire.... She also had type 16 which pretty much guaranteed her to get cervical cancer at some point (unless you get a hysterectomy) . I talked to her enough, but yes, she was one of the few who was on here that would've fit the tsundere type. She was actually quite sweet if you talked to her. Trauma does crazy shit to people. She was crazy and sweet though...She also whent off on me quite a bit when I tried the same approach of saying it's not a huge deal to people who actually care. You don't want an extreme of any personality type, it's never a good thing. You need a balance.
Jul 21, 15 at 3:43pm
I'm a bit of tsundere because of my past but I'm trying to get more in control of that side of me by being honest and reasonable. But real people don't really like tsunderes.. It's rare to find anyone who will or want to deal with someone who is like a tsundere..Because the on and off of the love and hate really at firs may seem cute but it will get to you eventually and you will start to not even know if she loves you or hates you..It's hard it gets emotionally stressful and you'll start to be on your guard always cause imagine having someone be nice to you and want to cuddle then turn on you and say things that HURT you and then when your emotionally hurt and upset/sad they go around and act like it never happen and act all nice again? No one is going to be OK with that..Not having to deal with that over and over and over. You don't want someone who is going to treat you like that..I guess it's a different story if they are honest enough to say sorry and stuff but that won't stop the fact they hurt your feelings and WILL do it again. Then expect sorry to be enoguh to get them away with it? I don't know..I'm just saying this because I've had a LOVE and hate relationship with my older brother and he was very tsundere and to be honest in reality it just appears as someone who is bi polar. And I was also very tsundere but he was more of the type that never wants to say sorry or admit defeat and I was the one that never wants to admit defeat but beats herself over it in her head about how its my fault about everything. Love and Hate relationships are very stressful and emotionally draining and emotionally scarring too.. I'll tell you the constant on and off of love and hate will have your mind donig flips over and over..Eventually you will just break down. I know because I've experienced it all my life ever since I was 9 years old. Even now I still deal with it but alot less now aloooot less thankfully.
Yes, they do. :/
Jul 21, 15 at 4:00pm
Do u know any fancy? And Cat i dont think all Tsunderes are like that its just cuz he was yer bro ya know?
Kinda odd, Tsunderes are girls who say that they basically hate you when you meet, would you really be attracted to someone who say that they hate you?
Jul 25, 15 at 1:02am
Yes tsunderes exist in real life, they're called bitches/assholes.
Inuta @vanilla commented on Tsunderes?
Jul 28, 15 at 2:27am
They do, I've been called one a bunch of times but they're not as exaggerated as anime makes them seem. Well, I have punched a guy a used to like because I was embarrassed and stuff but we're not like the fictional ones
Jul 28, 15 at 2:50am
Well im not looking for an exact replica i just loce how they are sweet and kind yet rough around the edges lol but the girl i have atm is juuust fine the way she is
hai @haikadee commented on Tsunderes?
Jul 28, 15 at 6:06pm
There is a reason "playing hard to get" is a thing IRL. So there is a truth in something becoming more attractive/interesting if you can't immediatly have it. Tsundere is usually below the line of "being totally impossible to obtain" the more effort it takes, the more joy when you achieve it Hence people like tsundere characteristics.
Jul 31, 15 at 8:06pm
I doubt they really exist by this pic sums up my opinion about Tsundere(s): http://i.imgur.com/fskt6fO.jpg I tend to thing this archetype fun.
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