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What should I do if a girl I like talks like she likes me, but also talks to other guys who like her like she likes them, too?

That is honestly the longest title I have ever seen in my life! But, to the point! I gotta agree with Linkovich. This is, at the core, a dating site. Maybe get to know her a little more, do you really like her? if so, just go for it. The worst possible scenario? She'll say no, and you'll find another girl. That ain't so bad, yo. Go get your girl.
You just gotta go for it and ask her straight out. She is reaching out to multiple men because she wants to be pursued. If I were you I would take the opportunity while you still have it. You are still young, so you can afford to yolo it. What do you have to lose?
poptarts..hot pockets c; no no but friendship between man and women does exist just um don't take things a girl says so strongly all the time bruhhh because perhaps that's just how she is and you overthinking there are some unique personalities a girl can have I tell ya o-o; I wanna say there may be.. a %%.. she may like u e~e *cough* pie
Not gonna read thru all the tripe... Just ask her what's the deal. It really is that simple.
If it bothers you then just ask her out. She can't telepathically read your mind just like you can't read hers and honestly if you're not in any kind of more than platonic relationship then it's all fair game, so to speak.
Honestly, reading the first post, makes me think I'm in middle school again. You should probably look into a more mature and less insecure guy for anything serious.
Someone needs to write a proper etiquette dating faq. 1. If a girl has a boyfriend, don't try to get with her or it will cause drama. 2. If a girl with a boyfriend says she likes you or wants to date/sex you then tell her that she has to decide between her boyfriend and you (unless you want to be the "side" guy and are willing to deal with stupid drama bullshit.) 3. It is not your place to tell her boyfriend anything unless you were friends with him before they got together, otherwise mind your own business. It's her decision to tell him about you or not. If you don't like it, don't get involved with her.
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