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What should I do if a girl I like talks like she likes me, but also talks to other guys who like her like she likes them, too?

Honestly, it sounds like immaturity and/or indecisiveness. How old is this person? My suggestion would be if you've been chatting for awhile is to ask them out. If they say no or they're not sure, then honestly, they aren't interested at the end of the day. I've been around the block enough times to know a "maybe" or "I'm not sure" is just a nice way of saying no. You either like someone or you don't. There usually isn't much middle ground on that unless this person is pansexual or something along those lines, and if that's the case, they probably aren't what you're looking for if you want a strictly monogamous relationship.
This could also be a personality trait, being flirty (as opposed to flirting, flirtatious). If you're interested and think she is too, ask her out.
ask her out maybe? personally i dont pursue them ususally with the people i've came in contact with if they talk to you just like they do everyone else they arent really serious. sort of messing around you would say. either that or she is deciding who she wants to go out with and isnt really sure about you so she is keeping her options open....i could be wrong though
Sounds like she's telling you to ask her for a date. Multiple messages means she wants your attention. Don't let jealousy stop you from what might be a good thing between you. How do you know she is flirting with the others? Are they just guy friends she knows?
1) This is a dating website where the objective to find somebody worthwhile for a relationship; in which case you have to be out there talking to a multitude of people in order to find somebody that works for you, So the majority of the time it's not hard to believe that everybody here has flirted with a few people atleast once, you must remember that technically the people we are flirting with are really not bound to us by any means; meaning unless you both agree for a relationship; it's not really bad to be flirting with a multitude of people(But by society standards it would be frowned upon by having multiple interest, but who really follows that anymore?). Point is this is a dating website; Don't be surprised if the people you are interested in are already interested in other people, Don't be so clingy- Chances are if you talk to girls; she has the right to talk to boys. How this stuff usually works; anyone who says this site is more so a Social hang-out are people who probably get Friend-zoned or are too frightened to take any direct action. Remember it's all about who wants what here- if she chooses another guy over you, Well he/she had something she liked that you didn't have or you may have scared or frightened her off. Please don't fool yourself on thinking any different, This site has respectively been a sad drama fest or a place where the majority accept the term friendzone. In my honest opinion, ask her out already and if she rejects; hell- big deal... Move on. Don't accept the Reserved zone or 'maybe later' zone. Chances are if she finds somebody she likes and goes into the relationship with them- you're out of the game(Friend or interest), It's either you take your chances now or... Deal with what you're feeling now. Either way- what do you have to lose?
Step forward, take initiative. Grab that apple from the top of the tree. No need to be nervous if your expressing your feelings. The only things that cause this, is fear of rejection, and embarrassment.
Maybe that is just her personality. But the repeated messages could mean that she may like u.
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