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Your a Virgin but he/she isnt.

I'm ok with it. Sex is great. If it is the person first time, got to make it one to remember for them. and if is not there first time You got to just be better then any of the others/ other they been with.
He kind of sounds insecure with a hint of self righteousness. Maybe she deserves better or he just needs to get over himself and realize that she is with him. Her past is just that, her past. All one needs to worry about is if the other person is clean and that's a fairly easy and common process. Has he told her about his insecurities?
No problem here. But finding a virgin is like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or a unicorn.
I'm a virgin 0.0 but honestly... i've been in encounters where i could've lost it although- i just didnt feel right proceeding with the action with people i didn't really care about, i'm more so a demi-sexual i guess. But i use to think the same way- for me it was a thought that my first time had to special and had to be somebody exactly like me, i wanted to discover the feeling of sex with somebody as inexperienced as i and create something special; i think we believe our partners whom already experienced sex will be something that will dull or water down the experience- but i think it just bottles down to pure insecurity or fear.
But now- i guess... if i trusted the person and really wanted it, then why not? right? Toss it in and be happy for all i care.
The past is the past. If you want a future with he/she you wouldn't dwell on their past. If you love them, you'll worry about the present, not who they were in bed with a year before you guys met. We're all human and sex is apart of life. Virginity is something that's intangible. It doesn't make you pure and innocent and people shouldn't judge someone on whether or not they've lost it yet.
Rika was surprised when she found out I was a virgin....Also this speech sounds ODDLY FAMILIAR....<.< **Forever corrupted by RIka**
;) took care of shadow's virginity months ago
It's as neet says now a days society as a whole has become messed up, where girls and guys can casually sleep around with each other, sites allowing people to find one night stands and what not, not to mention how girls and guys are even having sex in and around grade 8, I can say i know 6 people who are in grade 8 and have given either oral sex or actual sex to someone, and in highschool so many people know just how to sweet talk a young lady (which isnt hard) into having sex with them or girls using guys to fulfill their sexual desires. The older the person gets the harder it is to find someone who hasnt had sex, even the 'pure' fall victim to this. As for the " I can't stop picturing all of those other guys plowing her in my mind" a virginity to some people can mean a lot to them, could be special to them who knows, its never a nice thing to know someone else was in your girl, weither it be while your with them or not, the worrying of 'can i do better then them' will often fly through some guys minds and then the 'how can i out perform the others' will knock on the door way when he says he wouldnt care if hes had some girls under his belt (no offence should some girls take this the wrong way) is more likely related to experience but thats just my thought it might not be the case for him. If she trusts him and truly does have feelings for him she wouldnt beat around the bush, she would come right out and tell him, if he is incapable of accepting what ever happened she can let him be for a bit (not taking a break) because sooner or later he will find out, a relationship will only go so far aslong as both of the people associated with it are an open book "she's even considering letting him take a break from their relationship so he can go experiment and get his wild side out of him. Oh and he's 19 and she's 21" I would slap her, what kind of relationship is this, for all she knows shes giving him time to go and build him up so they can be 'even' and than his wild side comes out and she is left single and in the ditch crying about what a big mistake that was thank god this guy has his head on his shoulders and not in his ass by refusing this but now i am reading 'like at this party last week she tried to pair him up with someone ' and thinking just how deep are her feelings for him if shes willing to let him go fuck around with others. That sounds pretty fucked up and ive been in some.. unusual situations myself but that tops even mine, This relationship would need to end or he needs to suck it up and move on to the part where they can be happy they are adults not kids they should be dealing with it like adults not crying or letting them get some tail, its like rika has said, its the past, its meant to stay in the past, you need to take whats in the present and look into the future. Your with them because you like the person they are, the times they have in bed wont affect them. that is all o3o
Well, I know this sounds like something a virgin would say...but I don't believe in losing virginity. You don't lose anything. It's not a big deal. What's important is the person; not who've they've slept with. (usually). So no, I don't think I'd care too much, if I did want to be in a relationship with that person.
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