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Peter Pan Syndrome

Jul 01, 15 at 9:59pm
I seem to have an issue, the world around me makes it a problem to have but really, I just want to stay this way... Im 26? ...25? ....I'm in my 20s and I like anime, I LOVE anime... I can't let go of that, I mean why do I have to grow up and move on with the rest of my friends? Maybe I just don't want to be an adult, if it means sitting there watching the news waiting to die... Today, I tried a casino, I am never doing that again, ever! and really... other than that my day has been terrible, so I finally took off the restrictions and balled like a baby! seriousely it was "WAHHHHHHH AHHHH WAHHH I WANT MY MOMMY!" (a little disclosure, my family lives across canada from me and the "i want my mommy" thing is really hard for some people 'like me' to say for reasons... lets just leave it at that) but you know ... thinking about it, do adults whale and cry and throw a tantrum on their broken down futon while hugging pictures of Junichi Suwabe? ////prolly not... I dono, anybody else ever just...break down and whale for their mom still? I dont want to feel alone but I feel the painful outcome approach even as I type this lol
Jul 02, 15 at 6:38am
When life throws you lemons, don't squeeze them into your eyes. On a serious note, while throwing a pity party for yourself is unattractive to say the least, it can be a cleansing experience. Women on average cry about 47 times a year... I don't think I cry that much but thinking that some cry even more makes me feel a little more normal when I'm sobbing wondering why Nana and Hajeke can't just make up, swear off men, and live together in bliss... Meh... I digress. Anyway, we all need a good cry sometimes.
Nothing wrong with liking anime or liking anything. The fact we age is incidental, we are who we are and nothing else matters. Someday they will be able to stop aging (they can already reverse aging in mice)http://www.techtimes.com/articles/19508/20141105/scientists-find-genetic-switch-to-reverse-aging-in-mice-hello-fountain-of-youth.htm The idea that we are only allowed to like certain things at certain ages is ridiculous. For example, I just bought a skateboard again but you won't see many my age on a skateboard short of Tony Hawk.
Jul 02, 15 at 8:53am
I think crying is a good mechanism for stress release and I don't really see crying specifically as exclusively childlike. Nor honestly do I see liking anime as specifically peter pan syndrome-ish. That term is really more geared towards describing a person who refuses to take on any adult responsibilities and expects someone (Wendy Darling) to take care of them for life.
Jul 02, 15 at 10:25am
A lot of anime is made and targeted at people in their late 20s. You just gotta get past the Western mindset that anything animated is for kids. But yeah live how you want not how others say you should. I watch plenty of anime that is actually made for kids (precure, aikatsu etc), I live with my mom (I'd like to live alone but housing isn't cheap), and am still a big fan and collector of lego along with other types of toys. I couldn't care less if people think that's weird. What, am I supposed to stop playing video games and watching anime in my spare time to take up drinking, obsess over sports, and watch nothing but shitty reality shows like 'normal' guys just to appease strangers? Why constrain yourself like that? Just do what you like. and yeah, casinos suck.
^ *Round of applause for Neet One*
Also relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1Qgei-v3Ng
If we all had in our heads constantly what others think of us. We would be all in insanity department by now. If you do something, that you love, that you enjoy, and that makes you feel happy. Then do it, allowing other people to affect you by their selfish desires is nonsense. As long as you are happy. That is what matters. Simple.
Yea like @neet-one said do you and fuck what ppl say! :D Tbh it's just bs that having certain interests makes you imature or less of an adult. I've lived out on my own once i got the chance at 19 (not a good idea or promoting it btw o.o)) and i like playing pokemon vcg, i collect ygo cards, watch anime and read manga and get excited about that shit just as much as i get excited about going out to drink with my friends. And i still handle life wayyyyy more responsible then some of my older family members and friends o.o It's just a stupid stigma that exists for some reason d:
Jul 02, 15 at 4:52pm
I guess my bigger issue is allowing others comments in, because well, they justify each of their actions by saying "ya its okay because of this" sometimes, I feel the pressure of "hey maybe I am wrong in my thoughts/ alone in them?" I dono, I will always like what I like and be who I be I just cant stand the eyes looking at me?
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