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Is long distance and age really a big deal

In my personal opinion age is not a big thing as long if she is in the range of 6 or 5 years of difference older or younger even if she is 10 years older than me would be fine, but distance takes a tremendous amount of commitment specially if both live more than 200 miles from each other in this situation is not just about preference but is just too costly to travel a lot to see each other. lol however if one does love a person then maybe distance is irrelevant and skype should be your best friend.
Time zone kind of a problem and any thing above 19.
I have dated long distance before.and a lot of the times the distance and time zones were the issues. And to me age matters. Anything or anyone under 18/19 to me is like a brother or a kid and I'm only 22 and I am only will to date 4/5 years older than me. But sometimes long distance can work for people. Just never worked for me.
Well, as a 16 year old, AGE DOES MATTER. Too many kids think they are mature enough for sex, and sure, some are emotionally ready for it. But a lot aren't, and aren't aware of the fact that they are most likely being used. I think if it's true love, you'll wait until that person is just a little bit older. I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone a lot older, because...no. not until I'm 18 will I ever feel safe dating someone older, because it's a pretty good standard. Now, I think long distance can work but not for forever. Eventually you'll have to meet at some point, and maybe move in together. I can't imagine my whole relationship being apart.
For me I personally don't really want anyone older and if 18+ its fine. Age gap doesn't really bother me probably because I've seen couples up to 20 years apart and are happy. But I think that's pushing a bit. Maybe up to 10 years for me in 2 more years. The whole mental age and stuff is a bit of a case by case situation. Some people are far more mature than others around their age and the opposite is true. I tend to do things like I'm younger than I really am at times yet also when it is needed I can be like an old geezer. Distance can sometimes be troublesome since there's no way to really go out on a date and both parties need to have absolute trust in one another and have a plan at some point to meet up. With that it's time consuming and money consuming but I have seen it done before with success. I would say I don't mind if like 1 maybe 2 states away personally since its cheaper and alot easier if things get serious enough to meet up. It also eases the mind a bit more IMHO.
your question is vague, but frequently asked can true love survive when these things happen?? yes can new love work through it, and continuously blossom with only that?? no it'd be a dishonor and a @#$%ing tripe to compare or call them equal, but i'm not sure you understand i'm kind of sad right now, just finished Your Lie In April and i'm all over the place
Age for me isn't so much an issue, although being 35, 21 is probably my cut off at this point. This thread did confirm a lot of what I thought about younger girls feel though about older guys, at least for some of them. They aren't interested in dating significantly older guys. Like 8 to 10+ years, and I can understand that. It's a bit of a life experience gap, and with so many guys closer to their own age with similar interests, they have no shortage of guys closer to their own age to pick from. Unfortunately for the Oldtaku (30+) like myself on this site, it puts us a bit behind the eight ball more when the majority of the adult female fandom is probably between 18-25. Distance to me would be the bigger issue. My mantra with distance is "if I have to start thinking about taking a plane to go see someone, it's probably too far". A few hours distance is doable if both have reliable transportation to see one another, but if you can only see your SO maybe a couple times a year at best, that's tough for most people to overcome unless the distance is only temporary.
Why are this relationships so hard
Both can be problematic. Long distance is always worth a shot in my eyes and age shouldn't matter too much. Except where the law is concerned of course. Always keep it legal myself. Which is 18 I'm pretty sure in my state. Some states 16 is age of concent but I don't think I would risk it myself.
im talking to girls that are far away that are 10 years younger then me but were friends. its weird how no girls my age dont want to talk to me. im probably mentally 20 though
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