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Same old same old.

Jun 17, 15 at 2:50pm
So about two months ago I met someone here and we started to get along pretty well. We'd Skype for hours a day every day, traded cell numbers, photos, and even planed to meet up. She was really into me but truth be told I wasn't crazy that about her for a number of reasons. Main issue being a very large age gap. Even though she wasn't really my type I was however warming up to her as time went on, because if nothing else she was fun to talk to. Few weeks back she admits to having done some drugs and was scared to admit it since I made it clear I don't like people who do that stuff and she was scared of loosing me. I over looked it since people make mistakes, it wasn't that big of a deal and no one's perfect etc. Then last Friday she tells me she slept with some guy. I'd like to consider myself a reasonable person but that really crossed the line. We didn't talk for a few days, then she messages me telling me how much she hates not being able to talk to me while acting like nothing happened. When I brought it up she got really hostile and kept going on about how she should be allowed to make mistakes and how she wants to 'live' and try different stuff. In other words she wants to get high and slut it up and expects me to be cool with it. I had always made it clear what I'm into and what I don't like, and so we left it with her realizing there's no way I can be interested in her as she is. After all, bitchy fat self entitled sluts who refuse to change are a dime a dozen around here. In just two months she went from being shy and apologizing for every little thing, to being a cunt that felt entitled to do whatever she wanted and me to just accept it. The ironic thing is she'd tell me about all the creeps and perverts here on MO hitting on her and asked me to never change or become like them, but then it wasn't me who changed in the end. I'm not upset about this or sad even, At best I'd say I'm disappointed to see her go down the path she did. It's her life and she's welcome to do what she wants with it of course, I just think it's sad what this country does to people. She was apparently fine before coming to the states, but over the last year morphed into typical American trash. This wasn't the first time either that someone completely unappealing with nothing to offer tried to reel me in and expected me to love them as they are, and it probably wont be the last time. I'm not here asking for some supermodel saint mind you. I wouldn't think it'd be asking so much for someone to not be a morally bankrupt landwhale idiot and who shares some of the same interests, but I guess it really is. Stuff like this is what makes me have very little faith in humanity and makes me not want to bother getting involved with anyone. By the way I'm not asking for advice or anything, and in fact I doubt anyone here even cares enough to read any of this, I just felt like getting this off my chest that's all.
Hmm sounds like a crappy situation. It's good to get things off your chest. Some people just can't control themselves or care about bettering themselves. Some people just like to live a certain way, and just expect others to deal with it. I mean there's nothing wrong with living your life how you want to, but that doesn't mean others are expected to accept that way of living. Just my thoughts, Sounds like she put on an act, not that she changed though. Could be wrong, but just what it seems.
Jun 17, 15 at 3:11pm
Yeah you're probably right about it being an act leo. Not uncommon for people to put up fake fronts to bate people in. That's just one of the reasons why I like to take things slow after all. Guess I should say rather than changing she just showed her true self.
Yeah it sucks when it happens, If people are insecure enough to hide their entire personalities, then you would think they'd want to change some of those faults, Though to be fair that's a lot of work. It's possible she could of been trying to change, but ended up giving in again to it while with you, I just sincerely doubt someone can change that much in a small amount of time. Not saying it's impossible if you are with the wrong crowd and very impressionable, But just seems unlikely. Glad You aren't slumping over it though, Many people do that and it just makes them feel awful hahahaha. Good thing you got over it quickly.
The fact that i even read all of that despite being lazy amazes even me lol i'll be honest i have had trouble finding people with similar interests as me, when i do however its always some weirdo or jerk who feels that she can just do what she want and expect me to be fine with it. Like if you want to run around talking to a million and one guys fine but i dont want to be one of them tbh if i can devote myself to you i should be able to expect at least the same. Looks dont matter to me as much as personality cause in the end who you are on the inside can change how i look at you on the outside. I can agree with you, how can one be allowed to make "mistakes" such as sleeping with someone while talking to another if you were to become serious just how many mistakes would have been made. Im with you on this one she can live her life all by herself i personally wouldnt have her around me
Jun 17, 15 at 4:05pm
Hey, it's good that you're sticking to your convictions. It may not seem like it, but I am every bit as cynical as you are when it comes to opening up to others. Everybody eventually shows their true colors. It's the people who you can still stand afterwards that are the ones worth keeping around. It's difficult having lost a lot of faith in humanity, but you should never give up, because we both know the definite result of that- being alone forever. Good people are really out there. I met a girl a couple of months back and she is a good person through and through. I'm just not sexually attracted to her, so we are just great friends. Just keep pushing on is the best suggestion I can make.
wow. hahahah... well.... Do let someone like that get the best of you. Although scything that won't make you the least bit feeling better, you should know Most people are not THAT selfish... (but we are all selfish)
You Mad, huh? Jk. That was pretty brutal though. Sounds like she fits the billing though. Doesn't seem like she was very serious about it at all.. what can you do though? Don't waste your time with dead-end girls. It's probably not U.S, but, you know the popular culture here really gets to the kids:EASILY. She's got no self-control, clearly. Don't let it get change your mindset or deter you from women or social life. One stupid/shameless broad doesn't reppresent all of humanity, nor the females in general. There are still some pretty sweet, fine, women out there; the girls are just for fun. They know it, we know it; expect things accordingly. Don't sweat it for even a second.. it'd be a waste of your life.
Jun 19, 15 at 1:20pm
I'm picking up on a lot of hostility regarding her size. What's up with that? Was that one of the reasons you weren't crazy about her to begin with?
Jun 19, 15 at 2:06pm
Arc, being alone isn't so bad. Don't let friends and family brainwash you into thinking a person's life is worthless if they don't get married. There's many benefits to being single. You can do whatever you want whenever you want and never have to dubble check with anyone. Heck, the money alone you'd save from dates and gifts and so on can be pretty substantial. I could go on and on. crimsonsun2xseries, She didin't change my mindset, mainly just reinforced what I already knew and expected. Correct me if I'm wrong here but are you saying being single is wasting your life? verucassault, I wont lie it's not ideal. I can handle a few extra pounds within reason since I'm well aware of the fact that no one's perfect and even with large amounts of dieting and exercise it can be hard to slim down completely. This girl wasn't 'that' big, but her life style and attitude regarding her size made it clear she gonna pack on a lot of pounds in the years to come. I even had the pleasure of overhearing her fight with her mother once for not bringing home some fast food burgers at near midnight. There's no hostility regarding 'her' size, more women in general who pack on a hundred or two extra pounds and still expect to be loved for who they are. Yes it's impotent to look past a person's appearance and focus on their personality, but if their personality involves being that selfish and uncaring then clearly they don't have a very good personality. I know a lot of women will try to justify this by claiming that they aren't picky or judgmental with guys but there's two things wrong with that. First off, it's just common sense that appearances are more important to men than it is to women, For a women to truly not be picky or judgmental means to accept guys for not being wealthy, confident, or charming. These being the things women care more about. If there was any truth behind women who make that claim you wouldn't see so many single people on this site. secondly, women can be very manipulative and will try to change men to their ideal over time, so of course they're not going to be 'that' picky. I'm sorry if what I've said here offends some people but I'm not gonna put on a fake front to try and impress anyone. I'm not that desperate to be in a relationship after all.
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