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Recovery from embarrassment?

Hey, you're very young yet and believe me, just do it. Obviously it bothered you enough to still be on your mind, so talking to him must be important to you. You'll find out soon enough that these situations are truly the smallest of hurdles in life and it makes no sense to worry so much about them. Besides, what do you have to lose? I mean, really, what? In high school it ain't much, I can promise you that. Be comfortable or live outside of your bubble to see what life may bring, the choice is yours. You'll be fine either way, I'm sure.:)
don't worry , you can do it. I used to be the same way really shy about who I was, but once I let people know I didn't care, im one of the popluar people at my school, basically because I don't care who I hang with or what people think about me, my friends rage everywhere from the "nerds" to "popular" to even the "coke heads" , ahha. its all about accepting who you are to begin with , then others will except you. so if you talk to him it can be a confidence booster , just try :)
Dont worry urself
Jun 17, 15 at 12:24am
I think it's weird that those guys think the sound of a stomach rumbling is noteworthy enough to actually have a conversation about it. :/
Trust me when i say this never let what anyone thinks of you get you down it only matters what you think of yourself. Now in fairness im 24 been a while since ive been in school but i never gave a shit , i always thought of this way my friends are my friends and fuck anyone who doesnt like me wont affect me
Nekokai - That which does not kill you makes you stronger. Find a time out of class and go up and start BS-ing with him about anime. If that is your only interest in him don't talk about too much personal stuff at first or he may think you are hitting on him. If you can not work up the inner strength to meet a new friend what will you do when the one you desire the most in your heart shows up? Think of it as training if you need a focus to offset your anxiety. If he is receptive grats on a new friend, if not you still get the XP and live to fight another day. Everything you do in the world starts and ends with you. If you are not strong you endeavors will be limited or uncertain, if you are too strong you will be too inflexible to move with the winds and break. Go forth and conquer yourself then the world......good luck.
You gotta laugh about the horrible things your body does to you. I never really ate breakfast in high school so my stomach would always rumble. Sometimes rather loudly. But if someone made a comment, I would laugh too like, holy crap stfu im sorry i didn't eat im gonna have lunch in like 10 minutes. Plus none of that matters after school. People forget.
He needs to obviously understand that being hungry isn't a cake walk. Just let em know that your stomach was growling because you forgot to pickup something for lunch. It shouldn't be a no brainer for him really. Other then that, Just continue on talking about anime and such. He'll eventually forget about it, Nothing major.
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