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Recovery from embarrassment?

So, I don't know if this goes here, but like I suppose its relationship with people. I would appreciate advice instead of mockery. So there's this guy in my class, but I'm not interested in him relationship-wise..more friend-wise. He's really into anime and I feel we can talk about it uwu. Well...today my stomach was grumbling real bad...like not once, but like multiple times throughout the class...I know its because I didn't eat anything and silly me forgot my wallet to buy something..stupid. Well I know two guys in front of my laughed about it (heard em' whispering), now all my self esteem is like dead. I wanted to talk to him but now.. ;-; I'm probably that weird kid. So like...how do I recover from this? There still a chance I could talk to him?
Weird? How are you weird? I mean you were hungry and you didnt have any money or anything to buy anything tbh you should still have a chance if he finds you weird for such a small thing maybe being friends with him isnt the right thing
Everyone's new to the class, so everyone's always putting on labels to one another u-u I don't know honestly, it was just terrible. I don't know how to approach him now. What do I do if he ignores me?
Dont beat yourself up over it lol for real for real it happens to us all haha if it helps i had the same happen to me lol i stayed for tutoring after school and it was me and the teacher and it was dead silent she offered me a granola bar or something and i refused saying i wasnt hungry and like immediately after that my stomach growled for like 30 mins straight
Do you really want to be friends with someone who will put a label on you and ignore you over that?
dude they laughed at you because your stomach growled that's nothing to be embarrassed about ! I once fell down a hill infront of some popular kids and they laughed at me, i gave em the finger because fuck yea ;) its fine, people are just jerks like that, you can talk to him just have confidence ,if hes an otaku then hes obviously a nice guy (usually) just mention that you also like anime , it will probably lead to a good conversation :)
@Panda: I suppose you're right, I wouldn't want a friend like that. Its just I know people are already forming friends and I thought that I'd like to have at least someone while I'm there. @Kawaii: I wish i had confidence like that, I really do, because that's what I want to do, but then I think about it and then its too late, and I'm left being embarrassed ;w; He's very confident, I know he likes anime, but he's really into MlP, said his battle cry was "Ponys!" which is all cool, just haven't met someone as open as so.
Ok... So, your stomach growled. You dont even know for sure what they were "whispering" about.Soooo... What's the issue again? I mean, you can still talk. Don't over think things and put so much pressure on yourself.
Yes they were "whispering" in their perspective, but I could hear everything they were saying. It was definitely about me. And that's not such an easy task to accomplish.
Awwww it may seem like a big deal right now when it's still fresh, but I'm sure that guy shouldn't care if you were hungry lol. Like panda says, if he does then maybe you don't want such a judgmental person as your friend. I don't think everyone will know you as "the weird kid" just for your stomach rumbling right....? Just try to hold your head up high, even if you're embarrassed it'd make it easier to laugh it off lol xD
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