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Character spotlight

http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/145/c38/3a3/resized/bubber-meme-generator-i-want-you-1d0ceb.jpg to post any character whether from an anime or a tv show who you either think is cool or badass enough that they deserve to be in the spotlight
I think tiramie from amagi brilliant park http://31.media.tumblr.com/2daf4591ba4a9d028d0cc7f5bbca1e01/tumblr_ne4dv9XTlF1raur77o1_500.gif Aoyama from sakurasou no pet http://www.emptyblue.it/data/wallpaper/sakurasounopetnakanojo/nanami_sad_sad.jpg And furano yukihira from noucome https://33.media.tumblr.com/83ca1974e787d5eaac238ad5ac9dfc86/tumblr_nbimabvM4m1sv98gio1_500.gif Should get the spotlight
Jun 16, 15 at 7:59pm
I would like to put Saber from Fate/Stay night in the spotlight http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VDvuYvZL3Ws/UhdOX591JiI/AAAAAAAANOU/dn5lKR6LYUU/s0/Fate+stay+night+-+Saber+Render+32+%5BMG+Renders%5D.png Whoops! She fell over. That is just too bad.
Jun 19, 15 at 10:40am
Trick or Treat's Sam. I love this little guy. <3 http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111203225437/villains/images/2/29/2009-09-11-trick_r_treat.jpg
@verucassult i love the trick r treat movie but haven't read the comics really want to ^_^
http://a.nime.me/0050/8773/image.jpg Seeker from Timeclock Comics. :)
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