What could I do?

Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
What could I do?
Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
I have always told myself I'm ugly.......People have actually said it to my face to so I have very very low self esteem
I already know I'm never gonna find anyone *Tooooooo ugly for that* But all I want to know is if someone like me could ever find someone?
(Scurries away to hide)

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
What could I do?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Lol yeah right. You are not ugly. I looked at your pics and I don't think so. Granted you are not very girly when you dress and your hair doesn't stand out. But you look like the type of girl with lots of potential. Just don't know if you are looking to change yourself or you want to find someone that likes you the way you are. Right now it just looks like you don't spend enough time on yourself. I definitely would NOT say you're ugly. Just very laid back. In my opinion anyway, I think you could find someone. Making some changes would just speed things up; just going by looks at this point. Personality I couldn't say but I think if you make yourself look better it will give you more confidence and help some with the other things you need to work on.

Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
commented on
What could I do?
Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
That's the thing I like the way I'm now I don't wanna change I'm very comfortable like this x.x

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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What could I do?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Than you made your choice. I guess it just depends on the kind of competition at your school. Lets say there are lots of cute girls obviously the guys will go after them first. So you will end up being over looked more than likely. I don't know if you understand what I am getting at? Is like this if there are lots of available girls obviously a guy will seek the good looking and best dress girls first because they will draw more attention. If someone only draws the wrong kind of attention they are likely to avoid that person. Is pretty basic and simple minded but we are talking of a high school level. At least that is what happens more times than not in such settings.

Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
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What could I do?
Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
Then I'm screwed x.x

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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What could I do?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Well that depends on the kind of guy you are looking to attract you know. Do you have a type in mind? We could go by that. I am sure the ladies on here will have ideas on how to get him. That is if you already know who you like.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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What could I do?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I am with Endlessknight here. You are NOT ugly and his advice is spot on.

Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
commented on
What could I do?
Shi Inu @shinobiinu23
Guy or girl doesn't matter and I really don't know........And I'm ugly been total a billion times

type00 @type00
commented on
What could I do?
type00 @type00
ur not ugly, ppl just have absurdly high expectations regarding ones appearance. This eventually leads to ppl thinking that they actually are unattractive when its not even true in the slightest. ppl who were once considered average are now put in the ugly category, but there are ppl like me who still believe in the old way of thinking and hate it when ppl are put in a situation such as this one, so i ask you to cheer up and keep lookin, eventually you will find a person that would think ur the pretiest person in the world, and will force you to know that for a fact :)
-all bad times come to a good end, if it's still bad, it's not the end

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
commented on
What could I do?
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
You're only as charismatic as you decide to be.
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