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Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
u sir have got a murloc on ur head!!!!!!!1

RomanticChaos @romanticchaos
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RomanticChaos @romanticchaos
Hey there, fellow Texan. xD

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did NOT know this account was still here, thought i was banned for spamming the heart pieces XD
Where u at? (Texas)

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commented on
Where u at? (Texas)
type00 @type00
yeah, its hard to find ppl here they made the A.N.I.M.E. club but ive never been :P its too unorganized
Where u at? (Texas)

type00 @type00
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Where u at? (Texas)
type00 @type00
at least ur not waaay over in canada XD