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I don't know what to do anymore...

Ok, I really need help here. I'm pinned between a rock and a hard place and there's obviously no way out now. So here's the problem... So I've got 2 girls that I like. Both of which are my intellectual equals. They're both really great people, smart, and beautiful. The thing is, I've got to the point of both of them liking me, but now I have to make a choice. It's really hard for me, if I choose one, I'll break the other's heart. And I'm too nice of a guy to see that happen. What should I do? Just a note: In my full 16 years of existence, I've never had a girlfriend before. So that's one of the main reasons why I don't know what to do right now...
Well you like these two girls, but probably for somewhat different reasons right? I.e you might have better conversations with one, but more chemistry with the other. You should decide which is more important to you. It's not fair to keep both of them hanging lol.
http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll287/21wq/ponies/thumb_zpsvpc6w1zb.png All of a sudden the harem anime genre isn't so far fetched hm? OT, have you talked to these girls about it? Just given them the hypothetical, if they had two people they liked, what would they do? Or you could just tell them about one another, but that's probably relationship suicide.
You just pick the one with the bigger booty :3 but in all serious, you need to make a decision sooner rather than later because it will only be harder for the other to swallow.
Flip a coin. Let the power of flipping a coin choose.
Smh harem struggles lol your gonna have to pick otherwise you will lose both your feelings for both cant be the same one is stronger than the other you just got to realize who that is...if its too hard for you to choose then dont choose any cause obviously you dont like either of them if your struggling to pick from the two
1. Tell them about each other. 2. Watch what happens. 3. Profit
Yeaaahhh... bud you gotta pick one. You KNOW which one you prefer, it's just not on the surface yet. Flip a coin, and if you feel unsatisfied with the girl you got then you know you prefer the other one. You have to make a choice very soon, it is not fair to them to have them hanging. And then once you pick the girl to be with you prioritize her ALWAYS. My partner made the mistake of trying to be "fair" to a female friend of his that liked him, ended up losing her and almost lost me in the process. They may both be very good friends to you but the one who is your girlfriend is #1 and needs to be treated as such. If that means cutting ties with the other girl then that's what has to be done. It doesn't sound nice or pretty and not everyone is going to be happy in the end, it is impossible in situations like this. But that's life.
Jun 07, 15 at 8:05am
I disagree with the coin flipping method. You're gonna let random chance decide your partner, and if you don't like that girl you break her heart and move onto the next? Pretty stupid. Well the two girls can't be EXACTLY the same person. Why don't you come up with a list of what good/bad qualities they each have, and pick the girl with the qualities that better suit your preferences? It's better to narrow down your choices.
Jun 08, 15 at 2:40am
I was in a situation just like you once. These two girls really liked me, and they just happened to be best friends with eachother. What I did was hesitate and not make any commitments to either one. Eventually one girl found out that the other was sending me nudes and they got into a huge fight which destroyed their friendship. I ended up getting with the one who gave me more of what I wanted. I've since then changed my ways, but one piece of advice remains: You have to find out which girl is more committed to you. If you already know, choose that one. There comes a time in every man's life where he must break a girl's heart.
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