Role Play anyone?

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Role Play anyone?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Meh. I'm bored. Don't know how this is gonna work out since half the site is dead, but what the heck.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Role Play anyone?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I was wondering why there wasn't a whole topic dedicated to this.

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Role Play anyone?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Lol. At least there's one night owl amongst the bunch. I was getting desperate and almost logged back on Gaia online. I don't have any plots since this isn't my computer but I usually do anime universes, or some medieval stuff. How about you?

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Role Play anyone?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I only really get inspired on Gaia Online, because I LOVE HTML and I go nuts with the hexadecimal colors and coding everything and layering it so that my character's personality or whatever really comes out!
But I always had to deal with it dying off because life interefered with everyone's posting regularity.
I like lots of things... school settings the most, definitely medieval, but also sci fi.
I really like it if there are powers. I don't care how overused that genre is. I think of it as practice before I make my own comic.

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Role Play anyone?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Holy snaz! so you want to go there? my username is 73zombie. You can add me and we can make a forum on there. It's better cause you can make character profiles and I find it much easier to navigate.
POWERS! Yes, I love 'em, but I have to try extra hard to dumb my characters down and make 'em more "human" so they don't become Mary or Gary Sues

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
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Role Play anyone?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Oh and no worries about dying on me, it's part of life. I go to college and I have a full time job so this is the only time that I'm really active

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Role Play anyone?
Kyetge! @kyetge
We should make a parody roleplay featuring two mary/gary sues and have them want to compete with each other and then fall in love with each other all suddenly. I see that all the time and I never thought to try it... maybe for a good reason.
Tangent: LOL I'm scared of going to college.
It seems to take up too much time.
I just want to be a retarded liberal artist or whatever and not worry about CHina or Russia or whoever beating us.

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Role Play anyone?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
You're mind works beautifully in these dark times. What do we have to lose, lol. I usually cringe at those story but it is what it is.
College is really what you make of it. I'm a engineering major, and this college business is finally coming to and end. It's funny because I'm such a "radical liberal", no one ever expected me to choose such a "practical" career. I wish I was still living in my dad's basement, with long greasy hair and listening to death metal. College eats away your soul, but don't be scared. There's still hope

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Role Play anyone?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
My advice, just screw what they say and go after what your heart wants. I wish I had just went into art/music instead of letting my parents bully me.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Role Play anyone?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I have a year and... one fourth or so left before I am expected to graduate to freaking USC like my dad did.
I don't want to do anything productive but I know that productive actions are good in the long run.
I just have talent in le arts. :P Writing, linguistics, art, and music.
That's why I love roleplaying so much.
BRB I'll be adding you on Gaia right now.
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