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underused themes

another thing i'd like to see is fanservice aimed towards the female audience. sure we got a few shows but it's really nothing in comparison. i like what food wars is doing this season, it has fanservice for everyone really.
May 21, 15 at 3:32pm
Oh really.. I thinks series like free! was especially aimed for female audience. I haven't watched food wars yet but from the looks of it I agree with you with the fanservice that is aimed for everybody.
yeah which is why i said we only have a few shows, like try naming more then 10, then try naming more then 10 male-aimed ones, see which is easier. the main character of food wars isn't a super annoying pervert either so the show is pretty good for an ecchi
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Hmm underused...how about a romance anime where the person doesnt get the girl...or an action anime where the protagonist doesnt always win, yeah i agree seeing japan all the time is sort of overused sometimes we get an anime taking place in new york or somewhere in germany....and maybe an horror anime that is actually scary like a legit jumpscare anime havent seen one of those well.....ever :/
@panda i'd kill to see jumpscare anime haha. they should animate ao oni or one of em pixel horror games that were popular a while back, they had good stories to em but a few had some good jumpscares.
@Laughing you should check out Kingdom, it's based on war and strategy and the battle are insane
@Inexpensitivity if you think about it, it shouldnt be that hard...with all the scary movies they have out there that make you want to jump out of your skin from how scary it was at least one anime should be like that all we get are creepy anime that arent scary they are just blegh seen this already
May 21, 15 at 4:05pm
Yes @LaughingMan_dD Those kinds animes are one of the interesting things that I like about anime but I think that we have quite some of that. @inexpensitivity You have certainly a point there. Then I should agree with you that there are very few series out there for females and that it is pretty unfair.
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