any Panheads on here?
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
any Panheads on here?
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
hey i was curious as to how many people like the band Skillet! if ya do and theres enough of ya, i can make a kik chat group
Konaa @konaa
commented on
any Panheads on here?
Konaa @konaa
Skillet is awesome
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
commented on
any Panheads on here?
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
i know right???
Konaa @konaa
commented on
any Panheads on here?
Konaa @konaa
*high 5*
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
any Panheads on here?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I'm kinda sad that I knew exactly what you were talking about before I even clicked on the thread link
anon @otakujt
commented on
any Panheads on here?
anon @otakujt
I have a few albums of Skillet on my laptop.
They're pretty good imo.
Arc @arc
commented on
any Panheads on here?
Arc @arc
Finally a place where I can feel comfortable.
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
commented on
any Panheads on here?
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
lmao XD and theyre working on a new album :) and *high fives back*
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