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the most terrible anime you've ever watched

@lynxware I think you have seen me on HummingBird, here's a link to my account if you're uncertain. https://hummingbird.me/users/OtakuJT
Can't forget Tokyo Ghoul, it gets too much hype...
Except Tokyo ghoul is actually good. Lol
@otakuJT im referring more to the super new fans who dont wanna spend 300+ episodes on anything that have just recently come into the scene in the past year or two. on some sites i go on you rarely ever see any one peice/naruto/bleach anymore edit: by super new fans im thinking like 13 year olds
Well the first season yeah, but the 2nd went to shit, and I hear the manga is the only thing that is good, or so I hear, I don't read manga really...
@OtakuJT - Yea i have seen you in the forums, good to see you again. As for Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online i enjoyed them all. Attack on titan not so much. I really don't care what is popular or what is cool to watch. I look for stories i find interesting and watch them.I would say the only anime that gets over hyped that it irritates me is death note. yes it had a good plot and story-line and the artwork was good. But feel a lot of other anime where so much better.
Well for me personally it would have to be Blood-C. I am a Major Fan of the Original movie and eventually Blood + but for some Reason Blood- C did not appeal to me at all. And before anyone Says anything i did actually watch it all the way though cause i though perhaps it would get better but nope it did not. It just felt a bit flat to me. The Second would be the I believe 3rd season of Hell Girl. This has some of the same issues at Blood-C it just was not appealing to me what so ever. However this could possibly be do to the Second season which was tolerable in my opinion especially like the last 4 or 5 episodes. But anyway i just did not like the 3rd season.
Evangelion is a drug trip, but not like marijuana, more like lsd.
@darkhorse mononoke is an anime i'd like to try shrooms or lsd before watching just to get that double effect
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