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the most terrible anime you've ever watched

Yosuga no sora nope not dealing with it and black rock shooter i definitely didnt get that anime at all
@nipplord (quality username btw) hey go ahead and say your least favs, pretty sure we all insultin eachother anyways lmao. i like to remind myself that anime aint as great as anime fans make it sound lmao, but i agree with you its hard to hate something thats really just made for entertainment haha @panda-kun yosuga no sora was a cinematic masterpiece, you take that back. lmao im jk i loved it cuse it was banned. i liked the black rock shooter anime though, i think it was kind of a neat way to portray maybe like mental illness and all that but when i think critically it wasn't very clear at all lmao, just wanted to throw some action around
Lmao you liked yosuga? Lmao sorry its not for me XD and yeah brs wasnt very clear at all i was confused alot
oh god no man not at all i was joking lmaaaaaaaao
Suuuuuure you were ¬ ¬ i believe you lmao jk jk
Boku No Pico forever scarred me.
@panda-kun damn u rite, oreimo is my fav anime, it only makes sense http://new2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/5513947+_715118ff186dbcd0057e7fd06917b27c.jpg
@wildchild_inc i agree, clearly pico x coco x chico was the superior anime
I'm normally what I've come to term an "anime masochist," meaning I will actively seek out a certain kind of bad anime. On my list of "favorites" are such classics as MD Geist and Apocalypse Zero, which I will totally enjoy with MST3K-like glee. I also tend to unironically like shows that are considered bad for being batshit bonkers, which is why my avatar is from G-Gundam. But to me the two biggest sins a show can commit are being insulting to the audience or being boring. I've yet to come across one that encompasses both. For an example of a show that has nothing but contempt for the viewer, we have Master of Martial Hearts, as show that pretends to have something profound to say in it's infamous twist ending but ends up being a train wreck (and not even the fun kind). For the boring, I point to none other than the esteemed Naruto. I have never seen a show that does so little with so much. The lead character has limitless power with no tangible downside, meaning the stakes are nonexistent. Sasuke is a one-note wangst-fest wearing the role of a rival character but not actually playing off the lead. Hell, at least Vegita and Goku never lost that drive to out-do each other. And finally, I'm sorry, but whats-her-face-pink-hair-magoo has no reason to exist at all beyond "We needed a girl on the team." So, basically, what I'm saying is that Naruto is the worst show I've ever watched because it bored me and had the worst-written trio of protagonists I've ever had the displeasure of seeing. And to the fans: if a show cannot get me invested after 70 donkey-boffing episodes I'm not going to be convinced that it gets better after episode 71.
@Inexpensivity Seems legit http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/But+you+re+weird+so+we+don+t+talk+about+you+_48e19f964aabc4e981aff486c9223126.jpg
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