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"Romatic" First time or "Just Get It Over With" First time?

But sex is so much fun! Especially the meaningless kind. It's addictive, like cocaine. I mean, only a VIRGIN would say it's overrated. I mean, there are two things men like- sandwiches and blow jobs. And under the right circumstances you can have both!
You are too much xD It IS overrated. I'm not a virgin, maybe when you are older you'll understand? :)
Sort of want it to mean something the whole give it up thing is pretty dumb cause your just gonna get up feeling like shit cause here you did it with someone that was quick to give it to you or...probably you will feel good idk im just talking about myself here i want mine to mean something and with someone im gonna be with for the rest of my life that way if your "condom breaks" you dont stand around looking like a dummy with a kid to someone who will most likely have kids with other peeps
^ You will either feel relieved and good about it or regret it; it depends on what kind of person you are, at least, that's how I see it. I felt like the man, as I'm sure many young 15-16's would; see? I don't even remember how old I was it was so meaningless. I liked the girl a lot, but I realized soon after when I met the girl I actually thought I loved (whom was a virgin) that I wish I could've been more mature about it. Also, no, man, you shouldn't ever be put in that situation unless you are reckless (usually.)
I ain't got a V-card, it's a V(ictory)-Chip :P Hmm, I'd do the "Very long romantic foursome with my waifus" first time. Although that will take a while... (Until I can make VR full-dive gear a reality)
No haha i didnt mean litterally your condom breaks crimson lol just heard that excuse alot -_- even in my school...frankly what stopped me from doing the same when i was younger was the constant fear of having my mom find out XD i wasnt so bright back then as i am now lol you live and you learn
Lost it to a very bad girl when I was 16 in summer love when I lived on the NC islands. I was only one of her conquests that summer I learned later. Like crimson said it was quite overrated and awkward. I guess it was a relief that I didn't get teased by my peers for still having my v-card. I kinda wished I got a better experience but I finally found out what it was all about...meh. IMHO the very best sex was with someone I was very connected with and was comfortable around and knew well. When you and your partner are so in sync you don't need words to communicate(in and out of bed)...yeah. Then you can more easily find the stuff poets and Hollywood tries in vain to portray accurately.
Your first time is going to so embarrassingly brutal that you'll wish it was over as quick as it started. That us in fact the actual..intercourse part. EVERYTHING else can be romantic and fun, the kissing and foreplay. But start bumpin pretties and things will change :/. So I say just knock that ball out of the park lol
uhhh hmm i guess i could way in on this. The first time for me was awkward and embarrassing and you couldn't really even call it a first time, i was too nervous lol. We waited until the next morning when I wasn't drunk/nervous and then I scored a hat trick ;) that was when I lost mine. With my now ex-gf I took hers but we went very slow and I tried my best to make it as romantic as possible and I think it went as well as it could have possibly went. We ended up going out for almost two years after that.
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