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Smoking, a major turn off ?

Jul 28, 15 at 7:00am
I dislike smoking, I had sensitive lungs as a kid. I just find it highly annoying & it stinks. and people who do it, tend to do it at the entrances or exit's of buildings. which is a hassle get get passed.
Jul 28, 15 at 9:41am
I wouldn't call it major turn off, no, but I don't enjoy it or find it attractive. I don't smoke myself but if they have one every here and there, and it's not too much a problem, I wouldn't mind. However I would advocate somewhere down the line to get them to stop for health reasons.
im pretty sure like 85%-90% sure its going to be a turn off to just about everyone, even those who DO smoke something. its always our best goals to be with someone that we want to improve alongside ourselves, ive dated girls who smoke, and girls who didnt, was it a turn off not really. i would say regardless of if they smoke or not its their choice their life, now if im trying to combine my life with theirs, its my job as their significant other to bring out th ebest in them, and show them they have me to depends on and if they want to try quitting im here for them. if they dont,. who cares, lifes already too short to start worrying about all the things that come later. why not live the moment instead of stressing over what could happen. you know they say that if you smoke you "could" get cancer, the same peopel also say that if you drive you "could get into an accident" if you fly a plane you "could" crash, if your outside you "could" get struck by lightning. theres too many could to worry about. why not love a person for who they are than hate them for what they arent?
yes i think it is mostly because i know what it does to your body and if your going to have kids it's not healthy for them either
y'all aint gonna get anywhere if you rule out people just because they smoke hella judgemental
Personally (just my opinion here) I find it disgusting. I don't like the idea of kissing a smoker; you might as well just kiss an ashtray. Additionally I hate the smell of cannabis; it has an unforgivably offensive smell. I also find drug use immature. No offensive to those who do; to each their own. I wouldn't even be interested in 'em if they did at all.
Aug 01, 15 at 8:37pm
Turn off. Can't stand the smell.
OP here for me its not a turn off neither a turn on being honest i was a heavy smoker for 4 years (16 - 20) and it never been an issue for people arround me,not even the fact that i smelled like an ash tray (some even liked the aroma of cheap perfume and smoke), being honest im kinda shocked to know that its mostly a turn off :v
Aug 24, 15 at 3:42pm
It's a total turn off, I can't stand it and I find it very disgusting.
Don't care at all.
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