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Online Dating Advice

@neet-one but then why are you here?
May 06, 15 at 9:31pm
I don't even know anymore lol. ┐(‘~`;)┌
LOL +1 for that one
May 06, 15 at 9:41pm
I can't give 100% advice on this, since I have close to 0% experience with online dating, but I've dated someone I met online after we met in real life if that counts lol. But, I'll pretend I know what I'm talking about and say that online dating is very subjective. Some people don't like it, and tire from it after a while. So honestly, best tip = to TRY IT. *This has been Guru-Sunbae*
I wouldn't say that counts just because you met each other before hand. That's what I've been getting at, it works for some people, and then it doesn't work for others. I am open to try it but I don't think it will work just because physical contact does play a somewhat important role in any relationship.
May 06, 15 at 9:57pm
I couldn't agree more. It's just like a bond that you can't get through a screen. But the question here is: is that a deal breaker for you?
It may sound shallow but I wouldn't wanna dedicate around 3-6 months of constant flirting talking without actually knowing what the person looks like. Personality and interests are obviously important and it's not like I only date on looks, don't get that wrong but to some degree I don't wanna speak to an "avatar" I wanna speak to the actual person if you understand that. Online/Long Distant Relationships aren't permanent in the slightest, if things work out then obviously people can relocate and continue but if there was absolutely no chance of meeting, I probably wouldn't wanna put the effort in. I don't know if that came off shallow or not.
May 06, 15 at 10:08pm
How is that shallow in the least? Don't sell yourself short lol. If you don't know what they look like, you'll form an image of them yourself, and it'll be pretty disappointing if they didn't meet expectations. Some guys would purely date for personality. Honestly, if their personality was ACTUALLY that good, I would too. But..... let's be honest, who actually fits our personality expectations 100%. Few, if any, of course. That's why the person's aesthetic features kind of "cover" up for the personality standards not met. You're not shallow at all. Don't worry about it, no one will bash you for it (totally don't quote me on that incase someone does bash you on it, then my bad).
Haha all good no worries man. Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it!
I wouldnt mind f*****g now i think of it lol
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