Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling

《Anthony-Sama》 @draxus135
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
《Anthony-Sama》 @draxus135
Well, what can I say? I know nobody that would be a suitable girlfriend and I also have to deal with my own problems which most likely puts girls off as I get quite stressed. Most girls in my school are bitchy, gutter brained and taken. How hard is it for people like me to avoid being forever alone? Apparently, very. Worst part is: I don't even know any female otakus. Whenever a female decides not to become an otaku, one otaku loss their waifu, and you don't want that to happen... DO YOU?

- @reddwin
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
- @reddwin
assuming this is true according to your profile, bro you're only thirteen. you still havent experienced much of the world and havent met alot of potential partners. theres no race to get date, take your time and get to know people before you make hasty decisions. i know people who were forty when they found their soulmates and they're perfectly happy now. give life a chance. you'll know its her when you meet her.

Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
I didn't get my first real mutual love till just a few days ago, and I'm 8 years your senior. You're just a child. Sit back and keep calm.
I found my love online, and over the last few days my time with her has been the best minutes of my life.

《Anthony-Sama》 @draxus135
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
《Anthony-Sama》 @draxus135

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
neeto @neet_one
It's not so bad being alone when the alternative is garbage like you described. Besides, you're still super young, you've got plenty of time to find someone. You shouldn't start thinking that you'll be forever alone till you're at least middle aged.

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Yo i will say what the others said that you are really young enjoy life a bit more yeah its sometimes frustrating being single but you would rather wait for a partner you will love for either most of your life or a long time than someone who will break up with you a year after being with each other

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
yaasshat @yaasshat
What's with all these attention seeking, woe is me threads? Oh noes! U r duh only single person with low self esteem in existence and with you being so old, you surely have no chance... Might as well make a noose and call it a day. Got to be a troll, but that's ok, people here love to play along and coddle.

《Anthony-Sama》 @draxus135
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
《Anthony-Sama》 @draxus135
-turns into an android- who needs feelings when you can be an android?

mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
mariahaise @mariahaise
He may be young but the feels are still there I guess. Regarding the otaku girls issue, there are plenty otaku girls out there but that doesn't mean once you meet one she'll be your soulmate. Tbh i do not feel attracted to someone just because we have the otaku part in common, not even if that person is attractive. Personality plays a huge role in this in my opinion so, in some ways, you haven't met enough people to know if you are going to meet someone special or not. Unless you are a nomad of course (nevermind me).

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Forever alone... Is a terrible feeling
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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