i hate being single -.-

penguinie @penguinie
i hate being single -.-
penguinie @penguinie
the thought of being in a relationship is just always on my mind -.- its driving me crazy. i want to fall in love with someone soo bad .. but ive never wanted to before >:( how do i make it stop D:

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
i hate being single -.-
Nakama @jacob1
Watch more anime and read more manga. That's what I do. I hate being single too or it is very simple. Your cute just start talking to a guy aound your age and see if a relationship develops from that. Make sure he is good, honest, and can make you laugh or if your in to girls make sure she is good, honest and make you laugh.
Being single does suck, it is lonely.

TheAnran @arazno
commented on
i hate being single -.-
TheAnran @arazno
Being single sure sucks, but to strongly force you into a relationship doesn't helps either. As stupid as it sounds the best way is to let it happen.

penguinie @penguinie
commented on
i hate being single -.-
penguinie @penguinie
Yea I know it's just really strange since I've never really ever wanted a relationship with someone and I actually hated the thought but now I'm like I want to actually date this person and fall in love and it's weird for me >.<

Takumi of the Wind @takumi_of_the_wind
commented on
i hate being single -.-
Takumi of the Wind @takumi_of_the_wind
Most people dislike being single. Though, people commonly do not fall into extremely romantic relationships until their late 20's, mid 30's, and early 40's. The thing to do, mainly, is to pace yourself, keep your interests open, and explore what you need in a relationship.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
i hate being single -.-
yaasshat @yaasshat
Ok.... I stopped caring once I saw your age. You're far to young to truly have an issue. Yay puberty! Dem hormones hit ya and then you start feeling all "lonely"(People get hit at different times.). I understand, been there done that, but again, you're far to young to let this truly become an issue. Just enjoy your youth, focus on school, masturbate (What? Don't judge me... That honestly can help alleviate some "issues".) , find a hobby (*ahem* the aforementioned topic can work ;)) and just progress with improving yourself. Love will come in due time, as will a broken heart or two.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
i hate being single -.-
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
It sounds like someone needs a puppy!

darkhorse @darkhorse
commented on
i hate being single -.-
darkhorse @darkhorse
I like being single. You learn to love yourself

shelbylynn @shelbylynn
commented on
i hate being single -.-
shelbylynn @shelbylynn
Also another thought, you have to love yourself before someone can love you. Learning to care and respect yourself is one step closer to respecting and loving someone else.
It's a little rule I've learned myself.

lordragna37 @lordragna37
commented on
i hate being single -.-
lordragna37 @lordragna37
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