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Who would you have as your waifu/husbando?

I ask that you suspend your disbelief for a moment and imagine you are in a scenario where you had to choose one of your crushes from an anime to marry. Who is you're top pick, why did you choose that character, and what would you like to do with this character? (other than, you know) I'm really interested in what people think :)
I've already had one for the past eight or so years. Of things to do, having a family and growing old together in a small quiet town would be at the top of the list. Just being by their side would be enough for me. I often like to imagine us just hanging out at her favorite spot and watching the days fly by together.
For me it would be Saber from Fate/Stay night. http://i.imgur.com/Vf0X6Oh.jpg?1 She is very different from my other anime crushes in that she is very stoic. She hides her emotions very well and is awkward around others just like me. The one singular rare moment when she smiles at me would be all that much more meaningful. I practice kendo myself, but I am nowhere near as good as she is (she is based off of King Arthur from legend). I would spend many days with her in a kendo dojo getting my ass whipped but slowly getting better. Underneath all that armor and her stubbornness is a really kind person, which really makes her my stop spot. She can handle my sword any day~
Western waifu? Vriska. Eastern waifu? Tomoko 2 moe.
I noticed a lot of people like Tomoko. I wonder if any others have her as their favorite.
I don't see the appeal of Tomoko. She's utterly incapable of social interaction. I don't really have a waifu, but I rather like Kurisu Makise.
Apr 23, 15 at 12:02pm
Why Kurisu?
Intellectual rival. I don't so much rely on cute factors to lure me, I much prefer dealing with people who I can rely on, bounce ideas off of and such.
Huh, I did not expect that, but you're a programmer so I guess that makes sense. Women who are capable of analyzing the situation can be very sexy.
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