The Manga is better then it's anime counterpart yes or no
Nakama @jacob1
The Manga is better then it's anime counterpart yes or no
Nakama @jacob1
Well it is self explainable. I like both, but I do think manga is way better then it's anime counterpart. What do you all think?
darkhorse @darkhorse
commented on
The Manga is better then it's anime counterpart yes or no
darkhorse @darkhorse
it depends. my favorite anime sCRYed has a horrible manga.
Nakama @jacob1
commented on
The Manga is better then it's anime counterpart yes or no
Nakama @jacob1
I do get annoy at filler as well.
Nanana the fox @nami
commented on
The Manga is better then it's anime counterpart yes or no
Nanana the fox @nami
I think manga is better then anime. I read more then watch.
Animekid @animekid
commented on
The Manga is better then it's anime counterpart yes or no
Animekid @animekid
I enjoy filler most of the time. My reasoning? It means I get to watch more of the characters and show that I love. As for the matter of the topic, I would have to say it depends on the show/manga. I enjoyed Rosario Vampire in both forms but I started reading it first and it was a little difficult to enjoy watching it afterwards due to the change in the way the presented the story in the anime. So that one would be the manga instead of the anime.
Pumpkin Monk @pumpkinmonk
commented on
The Manga is better then it's anime counterpart yes or no
Pumpkin Monk @pumpkinmonk
The mango is almost always better, but there are a few examples of the animu being superior. Guy earlier mentioned sCRYed, but there's also the DBZ filler episodes (Driving episode too good).
Fuck it, read the light novels.
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