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Smoking or non-smoking

Apr 02, 15 at 12:32pm
Smoking is a deal breaker for me.
Non smokers I mean if they pop a pack daily no no but if is something social only done at parties like lighting a Cuban or something then count me in If not then non smokers
I'd prefer a Non-smoker, but I can date a smoker. Its a bad habit but it can be stopped. I wouldn't want a habit to get in the way of me getting closer to some one.
Non smoker is preferred. But social smokers as long as its light smoking its not that bad for me.
Cigarettes is something I stay away from and hopefully the other person wouldnt smoke those either. As for Marijuana I admit it was something I did years ago, but I don't do it at all anymore. But I don't mind if the other person does that, as long as theyre not dumb about it.
Apr 02, 15 at 6:55pm
Oh ho, Seems like a 95% say smoking is a deal breaker. Who would want to kiss a smokers mouth? That is like smoking a cigarette it self to me. I also don't my Subie smoke filled or anything. I like biking and you can't bike far or much when smoking. Also there is a smokers cough that sounds real gross. As well as the stench that is on the clothing and where ever that person goes. I would never be able to share food or anything like that. As you can tell I'm against smoking.
Apr 02, 15 at 11:21pm
Deal breaker. It is disgusting IMO.
The only way I can handle a guy smoking is in anime(like Gilbert in Pandora Hearts and Kogami in Psycho-pass). Because you can't smell or taste anime, and no second-hand smoke. :D
What if he smokes only with his friends? O.o? I don't smoke (hate the smell) but I can understand someone who just smokes once every blue moon because its something they like.
Honestly, I'd be able to smell if he smoked at all, probably. XD Or at least if he smoked occasionally/recently, and not just once or twice in his life long ago. I think it would be risky if he only did it a little too, since it could lead to addiction...
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