Smoking or non-smoking

Nakama @jacob1
Smoking or non-smoking
Nakama @jacob1
Yep I'm bring up this topic. It is a big debate in our society today. I and others can say it is bad all we want, but people are going to still do what they want, so I wondering. Would you date some one that smokes? and I'm not talking about pot or any of those kind of drags. I mean the one that is free to use all over the word. And if you do smoke would you date someone who doesn't? So Smoking or Non-smoking????

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Smoking or non-smoking
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Have and would again depending on her, but prefer non-smoker.

Mikorin @exad
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Smoking or non-smoking
Mikorin @exad
I would probably be able to date someone that smokes if they didn't smoke more than a 2-3 times a day? and somehow managed to keep the smell and breath stench to a minimal level of displeasure *nods*

Niknik @niknik
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Smoking or non-smoking
Niknik @niknik
I prefer non-smokers since I will be always around him. Its a total turn off

Sunbae @alanzd
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Smoking or non-smoking
Sunbae @alanzd
100% non smoke. I have a large lung capacity, so having a large amount of that inside of me would be absolutely gross. Smoking = 100% deal breaker

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Smoking or non-smoking
Hyera 혜라 @hyera

jezh22 @jezh22
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Smoking or non-smoking
jezh22 @jezh22

lordragna37 @lordragna37
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Smoking or non-smoking
lordragna37 @lordragna37
This account has been suspended.

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Smoking or non-smoking
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
can cooking is better than smoking :P

Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
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Smoking or non-smoking
Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
I'm not really a big fan of smokers to be honest, but that's just my opinion. I don't think smoking alone is a deal-breaker for me. Some people have issues with smoking and it's understandable. Everyone makes mistakes now and then, some more so than others.
I've actually dated a smoker in the past, and they were the one to ask me out. After some time in the relationship I learned a lot about them, as one should. Troubling stories about their life and it's complexity, things I couldn't wrap my brain around. It seemed like they couldn't either - they were on a suicidal path. I stayed with them though the tough times and helped them restructure their life by simply being around them. Although we have both parted on good terms now, their life has improved drastically and they have quit smoking almost entirely. We're still good friends and I want nothing more in the world to see them grow from their mistakes. To all those out there, give a smoker a chance. You might just give them a reason to live.
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