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Women who respond to messages in a dull way?

To be fair it's not only girls that do that but it is pretty annoying.
If girls are not responding on your messages, the possibilities are maybe they are not interested in the topic, not interested in you and probably you are repeating the same type of conversations. Girls easily gets annoyed. My advice is that dont be so jumpy like dont respond every minute if you can since that way they may see it more challenging xD idk but thats the way I see it :3
Keep chasing dude, don't let her go!
that's right if you get short answers after a couple of tries change subject if same dropped the b and start all over again
Actually this latest girl was the one who messaged me first. Honestly, I'm not attracted to her so I'm not going to chase her, but I still wanted to engage in some meaningful conversation. I've had so many disappointing ones. My mailbox is nearly full with message chains that ended with me not texting back. Maybe it's because I don't like engaging in meaningless smalltalk and go straight to talking about things we have in common like we are already acquaintances and that is what throws them off. I dunno. I don't have this problem with guys. Just with women. I talk to them both the same way.
I just can't stop looking at that kitten. It's like it is looking into my soul...
That's why meeting people on actual hobby sites is so much better. XD They're there because they wanna talk about hobbies and fun stuff.
I know for this site, it's hard to type out long conversations with the messaging system. The new chat system makes it sooo much faster though. Before the chat system, I'd have to go through 20+ messages by actually clicking the messages tab and clicking more, and then typing. Since there's way more men than women on dating sites, women tend to get mobbed by messages, so it's harder for them to type out more meaningful conversations to every message sent to them. For me, I don't really like boastful men, so when they start bragging (or when it's obvious they're lying to impress me), I just respond with an, "I see." Also, if they come up too strongly, I tend to not message back. There's also the case I missed the message altogether...but that's totally my fault, because I have bad memory orz
There are just conversations that come effortlessly and others that seem forced. Its nice to get to know someone but when a conversation is just a back and forth of questions like where are you from? What do you do? What's your favorite anime? But the conversation doesn't flow or seem interesting, I get bored and short answers will ensue. There are some people I've met on here who I can converse with easily and then we end up messaging on Skype where its easier to stay in touch and converse. I don't think you should take it personally. There are lots of cool people on here!
@ Cielle I agree with you there, also they might be working on something like homework. So I usually don't push for a conversation unless people message me that way I know for certain they aren't busy. I tend to be considerate a lot sometimes for my own good. rofl because the person I am chatting with might think I am not interested in talking to them. I usually give the women the benefit of the doubt when it comes to short responses, especially on dating sites.
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