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Hey chicos...What things do you hate about girls?

Flies really are annoying... and moths. Probably other flying bugs if we had them. I think moths are the worst though, because flies seem to be more easily lured out of the room if you use light from outside the room. Moths seem to just stay in the room and constantly get on my nerves.
Seriously moths girls have now moths noooooooo!
Wallace just loves his caos. http://media.giphy.com/media/kUmRzl0lGEKgE/giphy.gif
If what Darku says is true, then I have no chance. Same goes for those who have major social issues. I'm talking about those who have mental problems and disabilities. People who fight to have a equal chance at life, but are misunderstood and pushed aside. People who were born different. I feel real bad for people like that. I am a shining example of this. I strive to become something more, and something better, every day. But most of the time... I am pushed aside, let go, or ignored. Not as an artist, but as a human being. A DJ doesn't always have a steady source of income, and as for having another regular job like most people would, I can never seem to hold one down for long. I get let go from most jobs for being too slow, making too many mistakes, and not learning things fast enough. So... most employers avoid me in the first place, or on the odd chance I am hired... they always look for ways to get rid of me, and I am eventually let go. To this day, the job I had the longest, lasted 8 months. I'm sure you all can imagine how much this would scare potential mates away? lol Let's not forget about those who give guys like me, a bad name. Those who are lazy, and take advantage of the few girls who do understand and sympathize. Not saying anyone on MaiOtaku takes advantage of anyone, of course. I just had something I wanted to get out, and see what responses I get. Anyway... In the end, I'd have to say the only thing I hate about some woman, are when they are shallow to those who have these problems, and when some don't give guys like us the time of day. I've had two relationships that have both lasted over five years, but both girls have left me because I didn't always have a steady source of income. It ended up putting a lot of strain on both relationships. There are a few things I've learned out of all of this, and it doesn't matter whether your successful, rich, poor, or on disability... Trust, loyalty, love, kindness, and understanding is key to all relationships. That, and being open and honest about everything. Take this from a man who has lived a very interesting life, and has also made many mistakes. I respect you all, and I know you'll all get what you are looking for. Just takes time. My thoughts go to each and every one of you. -Bows with the greatest of respect to all.-
P.S. The new Sailor Moon series is wack! It seems cornier then the last one! Just my opinion. Not trying to make any waves. Lol
Hmmm well the qualities I dislike wouldn't be limited to women, if I dislike qualities it would be regardless of gender.. It's unfair to attribute fault to a gender. I just prefer people who are open and direct. It bugs me when someone doesn't communicate when they dislike something and then gets upset about it.
@Mikorin I totally agree with that. I've seen too many friendships and relationships go down all because they couldn't tell each other what things about each other bothered them, and it piled up into an explosive bomb that went off and destroyed their relationship and any chance of recovering. I remember two of my friends who were like best friends to each other, and suddenly out of nowhere, one of them loses it and starts saying to the other friend how annoying he is and ditches him and never talks to him again... He never told anyone he was annoyed about him either.
when they use "I'm a girl" as an excuse to something that has nothing to do with gender, or when they use "you're a man" as a reasoning to something that doesn't have to use with gender. And then complain when you use "you're a girl" to something that doesnt have to do with something gender related
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