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Hey chicos...What things do you hate about girls?

Yeah its happened to me before too! It's so annoying! D:
okay typing with my left hand is more difficult than i thought lol
I think equality would be a thing until there aguy miss America or whatever and a woman president
Oh I have seen that happen in the past too... I see it sometimes in MMOs too, though I suspect most are trolls. Where one will say "Hey everyone, I'm a girl!" in public/world chat. I don't know whether they're really a girl taking advantage of the gender bias, or if they're a troll, but either way it's just bad. I like the idea of allowing males to enter beauty pageants. Maybe have a Mister America alongside Miss America. XD
when they no matter how much you trust them can't trust the same way to you.
@kohagura XD gahaha thats funny
Yeah this Nidalee last night, Gold Elo btw, fed morgana and you know what her excuse was? "I'm a girl," WTFFFF! Stop feeding
no no míster América let a guy compete for miss america
And then they counter with well chivalry is dead
Yeah, I think what we can take away is that cliques are the great problem. For example in high school me and a girl were becoming close. Her clique of friends (male and female) constantly pressurized her though to back off because I allegedly wasn't in her league. They wanted her get on the student council. At least one of her friends was usually with her and when she showed affection towards me they would always signal her to "cool it". The girl though promised to go with me to the Valentine's dance the next year (our final year). In our final year she was elected as vice-president of our student council, in part because of the efforts of said clique. She grew more distant towards me as the clique filled her head with thoughts of her importance as vice-president. At the Valentine's dance her clique fixed her up with a more suitable match-a jock. There's another sad tale of the dangers of a powerful clique. https://33.media.tumblr.com/4907c80ffe7da2e03ed7ff60446ce116/tumblr_nig3uwYZ4M1tumrv2o1_500.gif
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