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LDR Tips?

Mar 14, 15 at 3:33am
Is there someone here who have experienced long distance relationships? Want to hear tips from you guys on how to make it work <:
It's tough. It requires trust and dedication and easy for someone to get bored without physical contact. I don't see the point for most to have an official LDR unless it's only temporary, but a few people can make it work long term.
Key @key17 commented on LDR Tips?
Mar 14, 15 at 9:09am
Don't do it. Unless you're prepared for the consequences of course. Grave indeed at that. That said, true line CAN overcome distance . More than advice, I can only wish you luck, patience and mutual trust and respect.
Mar 14, 15 at 11:37am
Yep yep v3v
LDR = Ultra Hard Mode lol.
The best way I've found to make a long distance relationship work is by making it not a long distance relationship. Since that's probably not an option, it might help to keep in mind that even if your relationship is not so great, it will probably be much better the next time the two of you are together. Keep in touch as much as you can. I like to use Skype a lot, but my girlfriend is too busy/in a stupid timezone so we haven't done that as much as we used to. When I see something funny, I often send it to her on facebook. It might also help to send texts/messages every now and then to let them know you're thinking of them and care about them. I don't do that as much as I probably should. If you really don't get to catch them online much, you could try typing an email or something at the end of the day or week or every few days or something like that just to let them know what's happening in your life and see what's up with them. Although we haven't had the time recently, a couple of things I like to do are watch shows and play video games together. The way we watch shows is by getting the same file, getting it ready to play and then one of us counts down from three and we both hit play on "go." Usually the one that counts delays hitting go for a bit to account for the latency. It works okay. Anyway, those are some thoughts. I hope it helps. Seems like everyone else has given you pretty good advice too. Ultimately, I would not recommend pursuing a long distance relationship unless you're really sure about the other party.
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Mar 14, 15 at 2:12pm
I'm currently in a long distance relationship, however we're both in the same country which is useful, as I'm aware some people are at a lot further distance, either he visits me upon occasion or I him, unfortunately neither of us drives currently but the 3 hour train journey is worth the time. I've only known the guy for about 6 months, met him on here in fact.... anyway the key to any relationship is always communication, use skype and video call if you can (my boyfriend and I hardly ever video call which is a bit of a downer). Also if you have common interests that could involve watching something together or such then that would be a really good idea, just make sure to always keep in contact with them as much as you can, never hide things from them as with LDR a lot more trust is needed and you don't want to break that or end up getting hurt yourself. try planning for when you could be with each other, or even go as far as planning when you'd get to live together and aim for that goal, it's your driving force to keep you going when things get tough mentally/emotionally. Basically whatever you choose to do, try and make yourself as much a part of their lives as the people around them, always take an interest in things and find new fun activities you can do together online or by sending gifts to the other, after all if you don't try hard you're just either text on a screen or a 2D image, and although we all like anime I don't think we want our relationships to feel 2D and not going anywhere or potentially going to end. This is my second LDR, although some may not agree with them it actually can be great, you get to have a life doing the things you want and then also have that someone special to talk to (apparently some people moan too often in other types of relationships). LDR can work, the distance isn't what can breaks up a relationship, it can be hard to get used to but just as with any 'normal' relationship its usually always down to each person's personalities, at least from a distance you can't end up making silly mistakes and you get to know a person in depth.
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