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That is possible cielle. A good friend of mine back in college had a similar tale. He was very good looking and could date and bed tons of women but he said it never felt right and rarely fulfilling until he dated a man. alanzd you are still a bit young and immature(no offense intended), you will know your mind and feelings when you know them. Focus on building your character and education until you find yourself.
@cielle: Oh no, I'm not placing the fault on the rejector at all (was there even a fault to begin with??). You are right, it's not necessary to sugarcoat. Like cherry on top of cake, your choice. @alanzd: Good luck! @key: And good luck to that, good sir!
Mar 12, 15 at 11:48pm
Oh hell yeah I'm immature. I'm only 17 (going on 18) and I have no idea what I want to feel. Tbh, I think watching Anime has actually raised my expectations too high. I'm also a virgin (not afraid to admit ofc) and I don't plan and "bedding" a lot of people. I totally understand his unfulfilling-ness and I do have a lot more fun around my male friends. Education is very important, I'm glad you said that, I almost lost track that I am still a student after all. And as for character, yeah I'm almost Gold 4 in League of Legends, I'm making pretty good progress I'd say.
Mar 12, 15 at 11:57pm
@Darku: HAHA that happened with one of my friends too! When he finally admitted he was gay, we all congratulated him and were like "FINALLY" @meister: Well, there really has to be no reason to pin the blame on something else then in the first place. And I don't think lying about not going out with someone is like cherry on top of cake ;;; orz @alanzd: //PATS YOU ON BACK, good for you, mad respect for you admitting you're immature. THAT'S ALREADY A GOOD SIGN OF MATURITY
Mar 13, 15 at 12:02am
haha! YOu got scholded! Seriously though, there's no need to rush into finding a partner so soon. We got capital T Time after all.
Mar 13, 15 at 12:04am
I honestly don't find anything wrong with that whole, give everyone a chance thing. If people are calling you easy, you can tell them to piss off, it's none of their business. But since you wanna change your philosophy, I wouldn't try to make this whole teasing thing the sole reason for doing so. If you wanna be more picky with who you date, that's fine. I don't agree with someone going out with someone else when they're "100% not" your taste. I don't see that benefiting anyone honestly. You wanna reject someone, do it in person, in private, and keep it honest/short. "I don't like you in that way."
Sorry, I read from beginning to half way so I am not sure where we are at right now. Lots of text~ But I read the last 3 comments too! @alanzd When girls ask you out, are they already friends or acquaintance of yours? Maybe you can start there. Be friends with people first before going out on dates. Somehow, I feel like when you know someone on a friendship kind of level, it is easier to tell how you two would be in a couple-relationships. As experience, I've never been asked out on a date IRL (okay, I was hit on at Wal-Mart but I think he was practicing for other girls to hit on) but a lot of guys have said "I love you/Like you/I think I am falling for you; wanna go out?" On the Internet while knowing of them for like a day to a week. And when I reject them, they say some pretty messed up things... Just recently, I had to do that. I told him straight up when we met, "Hey, I have a boyfriend; not looking to date you," and he seemed to respect that. Then he told me he liked me 5 days later and I tried explaining to him no. Then he said: "I'm going to win your heart, I'll even serenade you It's the path that matters, not the destination. I love ya, and I want ya, so I'm gonna chase ya." And that is why I think it is better to be friends with someone before even thinking about dating or being a couple. I know it isn't the same exactly but maybe that can help you?
You always hear it as the cliche' thing but seriously study the science behind it some. Your bodies do some hard core evil shit to your minds until you learn how to center oneself when nature calls. People underestimate it's power all the time lol. In the US alone I think is about ~1.5 million people get married a year and there is a ~53% divorce rate in the first 10 years. Seems like people are not choosing their partners wisely. Vegas has better odds save the slot machines. Dont rush....
@cielle: If you define a lie as something completely false, then by definition a half-truth isn't a lie. Assume the following scenario: Do time/ career constraints affect your decision to pursue a relationship? Yes. How confident are you that you have the time, mental and emotional capacity to be in said relationship? Unsure. Hence in a sense, you could use those as possible reasons to reject someone. No lies, no blames here yes? So instead of using "I'm not interested in you because you are unattractive/not interesting" as a main reason, you use a secondary reason as the basis. Again, it's up to you to decide. @Rina: That's scary persistence there. File a restraining order perhaps? Haha
@meister a simple block does the trick. But let's not talk about me for the moment. But yeah, people who want to rush into relationships like that are usually trouble from the start.
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