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Trouble Help onigaishimasu

Mar 12, 15 at 11:05pm
I've been asked out a lot of times... It wasn't pretty. | (
Mar 12, 15 at 11:07pm
I don't mean it like that. Quality over quantity. The responsibility I mentioned was more as kind of a fall back. I guess you can say I'm sometimes someone's back up.... So the "only 19" thing is actually pretty impressive for it being so low, since I'm basically a guaranteed shot @Meister I've tried using external factors, but most of the time, they just ask my friends about it I've used the "I'm not good enough" term too many times, and to be honest, sometimes I do feel that way haha I like friendzoning people. There are so many interesting people out there but sometimes we're interested in different goals.
Mar 12, 15 at 11:07pm
@meister: Why does there have to be any form of blaming or lying? Being not attracted and/or not interested is a valid reason for not wanting to go out with someone.
Mar 12, 15 at 11:10pm
So basically, it doesn't really "require" courage to ask me for a date. Which kills what I think is something that's supposed to be extremely special. Sorry to seem like an ass hat, but I don't take it to offense haha. @blank Yours are probably meaningful ones though. Mine are quick and sometimes they seem overconfident and bitchy because most of the times I say yes.... So asking me is basically something smal
Mar 12, 15 at 11:10pm
@alanzd: Quick question, are you in highschool or university?
Mar 12, 15 at 11:12pm
University, Undergrad
Mar 12, 15 at 11:13pm
But I'm 17, so highschoolers from my old highschool still ask me sometimes, and I also help out at my HS a lot
Mar 12, 15 at 11:14pm
Confessing to someone ALWAYS requires a lot of courage. No matter who the person is.
Mar 12, 15 at 11:17pm
I feel like a booty call tbh haha. And I guess it doesn't require much courage when you're infamous for rejecting almost no one. I'm sure you'll never go for someone who's extremely easy, but say that you would, would you be nervous?
Mar 12, 15 at 11:23pm
@alanzd: gotcha, and thanks for answering, I just realized how incredibly creepy that sounded lol. I feel like people have more self-confidence during their college years compared to highschool years, so if you just say that you're not interested, then they'll just shrug it off. But it really sounds like you have something what me and my friends jokingly call the "jaded dating syndrome" (term we made up on the spot) which is basically when you build up your self-esteem from being asked out a lot, but become so indifferent to it that you lose your confidence at the same time. So it's kinda like, "I'll never have a problem finding a relationship, but what if I lose all sensible reasons to dating?" And you'll have thoughts like, "I'll never find the perfect one because I think I'm too picky," or "I'll end up alone because I keep rejecting everyone." (I'm exaggerating on these parts, but ya'know the gist of it)
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