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Human Handbook: The science of love and despair.

Greetings. I decided to make a few threads to try and address issues and shed light on the question people always ask the most... Why X? Why does love feel good and bad? Why do some nurture or kill it? Why can't you just be happy? Why does it go wrong when I thought I did it all by the book? Why does a hug/embrace feel so good? Why is it hell to live without them? Why do I feel trapped in my feelings like a prison? Why can't I relieve the tension? Why can't I live with someone? without someone? To over-simplify humans are animals. We can alter or adapt to the environment dramatically. We also carry forward more of what we learn beyond instincts to our offspring. We have the ability to transform and change ourselves to improve our chances to succeed in nature. When we do this carelessly we transmogrify ourselves and flounder to unproductive endless despair. We often talk about hormones casually without really understanding their true impact or hidden powers. This is how animals smell fear even in humans or sense dominance/confidence. Some are the driving force of attraction to some species or the tie-breaker/deal-breaker. This is one of the hidden powers of master manipulators, seducers, leaders, and lovers. Part of the mystic 'mojo'.... They are some of the buttons people press and triggers how you react to the world based on your values and temperament. They have more power than people give credit. Check out this Ted talk. The doctor is a little nutty but entertaining body language. He is a relationship counselor and highlights some very interesting facts and new information that proves some of the conventional wisdom has been wrong. I invite you to check it out it's 20 mins long. I do not advocate buying anything from him as he makes a living off despair but knows it's secrets. This guy is talking in regards to why relationships die or can be reborn. It also has relevance in other things such as health issues, depression, domestic violence, why people cheat....If you do not live in harmony with nature you will not find inner peace or loving relationships IMHO. There is also always a way out to better paths even if you don't feel like there is. When we are out of sync our bodies WILL betray us. Nature is a bastard like that =) Please discuss your insights to the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuM7ZS7nodk If you have not been in relationships think of the behaviors you saw growing up with the people around you. Do you see something you did not before?
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