Taylor Swift of Dating

jas @jas
Taylor Swift of Dating
jas @jas
A gal recently called herself the "Taylor Swift of Dating"
Pretty sure this was a message for me but I don't listen to Taylor Swift. What does this mean?
Thanks in advance for any help :)

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Taylor Swift of Dating
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
I have no clue XD what does that mean?

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Taylor Swift of Dating
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
I think it means she dates around alot, possibly sleeps around alot if I'm to be correct. Though take this with a grain of salt, since I only know about Talor Swift from rumors and youtube comments.

Riku @tsubaki08
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Taylor Swift of Dating
Riku @tsubaki08
I think it means when it comes to dating, she's like Taylor Swift who dates a lot of guys and make songs after them xD

jas @jas
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Taylor Swift of Dating
jas @jas
Yep. That's what I thought. I already knew how she works. I guess she had to reinforce that statement a bit more. That's OK. She's been losing interest after I refused to be a one night stand.
Thanks for the translation :)

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Taylor Swift of Dating
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Ahh Taylor..that girl has issues like a news stand. So I was looking for a thread to drop this link to see if anyone wanted to give it some thoughts while I am at work. I think some of our strife comes from being out of balance with nature. It is why we can't relate to others or make good relationships sometimes. Pardon the doctor that is really selling books but has a point if you scrape off all the cheese and look at some of the science. Think about your own experiences and observations and ask if anything fits this guys science.

Austin @nastana
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Taylor Swift of Dating
Austin @nastana
^ That's actually a really great watch. Its interesting to find out every thing is tied into hormones. I mean I knew it, but it's really cool to see it explained.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Taylor Swift of Dating
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Thanks Austin. I got a stick up my ass to re-thread this. Taylor swift once bought a multimillion dollar house to live on the same block as her BF after dating 2 weeks. Then broke up 2 months later. I think she is a masochist lol.

jas @jas
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Taylor Swift of Dating
jas @jas
Yep. I guess the message was pretty clear. After I refused her attempt to use me for a one night stand she pretty much stopped even being a friend. She can casual date horny mistakes all she wants. Bubbye!
Ironically, I'm currently dating another gal with the same name. So far her worst intention is pizza, bad 80's movies and cuddling. I can hang with that :)

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Taylor Swift of Dating
nikita_13 @nikita_13
IDK but pizza, cuddling and 80's movies sounds too serious too quick to me. :D
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