The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls

maukun @maukun
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
maukun @maukun
Anyone here watching it?

Seb @seb
commented on
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
Seb @seb
Who's your favorite idol? I like Kirari because she's different, as in she's really tall and wears really colorful clothes, and she's so cuuute.

maukun @maukun
commented on
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
maukun @maukun
That's awesome! My favorite idol is Riina, She's so cool, she has a very cool rocking style and I recently listened to one of her songs and I loved her voice.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
neeto @neet_one
Couldn't be bothered to check the second page I see...
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