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Medical issues and dating

So I found out a few days before Christmas that I had a tumor in my neck (I've been through hell since then like in and out of the hospital, needles, scared my family to death). I got surgery and it was removed feb 5th. Um I have a scar on my neck that will fade, I know but I dunno. Something has been bothering me. Do you think any issues mentally or physically (health wise) has any effect on dating? I'm sure this won't be a problem but it got me to thinking on a general scale. Like has it been a problem for anyone, a walk in the park to tell em or you keep it to yourself? Just whatever. *by the way cancer free, yay*
Of course it can but it greatly depends on what the situation is. The mind and body are linked and if they are unhealthy in certain ways it will affect your relationships. It can harm confidence if your attitude or frame of mind are unhealthy for example. IMHO It would depend on how serious the issue was, like if you might randomly need first aid they should totally know. Otherwise it can be apart of getting to know each others background if it's a potential future issue. Health issues are just a part of daily life, everyone has to manage them sometimes.
Feb 15, 15 at 2:37pm
For me it depends on the issue. If it's something like Huntington's then I don't think I'm mentally or physically capable of coping with that. It's not that people who have those conditions are undeserving of relationships or whatever, I just personally don't think I can watch and take care of them when it's something like that.
Mental illness runs in my mother's side of the family, but my father's side is mostly clear. Thus far I've not been diagnosed as mentally ill myself, but I do have a condition I don't really like to talk about that affects my thought organization and also my social skills. I could take care of a partner going through mental health issues, more than likely, but not physical. I don't know why exactly, its just I couldn't bear it to turn out like Clannad I guess. Mental health issues-wise, I've been friends with people who have chronic depression, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder, and such, I think I'd be more than capable of protecting and supporting a partner with conditions like that.
I've had multiple partners with psychological issues such as manic/bipolar depression, ptsd, and others. It does not prevent me from trying to have a relationship. But I'm not really the best at cheering them up and such. I'm actually pretty empathetic with others feelings which really just makes me depressed, though if I care for the person anyway, I'm willing. However I don't, unlike a few past friends, have that outgoing charisma that's good at drawing someone out of a depression. My recent ex gf wanted me to tell her "Everything will be alright." when she was upset. However I'm very cynical and I'm a horrible liar and I feel like I'm lying if I say that. So I can't. However I will do my best to always be there for someone regardless of whether I'm in a relationship or not. Suicide really upsets me.
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