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My first Valentine's Day with a girl

So this year marks the first year I actually plan to spend Valentine's Day with a girl. That's pretty sad, but more so because I have absolutely no sexual intrest in her. We are good friends, but that's all I want it to be. I know she is looking for a boyfriend right now. Would she get the wrong idea of I ask to hang out with her on Valentine's Day? It sure beats kicking back the annual alcohol binge alone in my room.
Dude grats! It isn't sad at all that you don't wanna get laid. This sounds odd coming from the guy who ladles ecchiness in nearly every post, but going on: Just ask if you wanna hang out as just normal friends, and you should be fine. Clearly stating what you want upfront to do will help avoid unnecessary problems and assumptions. If this slowly escalate into more romantic tones and she asks *you* out instead, then you're forced to decide whether you want just her friendship or are okay with letting it grow into love.
You are right, it might give her a wrong message to go on valentine's day date x) But to be honest, what you say and do matters the most ;3 Don't go past limits and have fun!
You should do it! I know I would if I were in your position. Because well..There is nothing too loose right? If she says she has other plans well then at least you can say you tried! Besides if she does say she can't hang out well then don't go be an alcoholic binge in your room! Valentines day is not only for lovers and couples or of the opposite sex. If you can't get a date or anything go hang out with friends even if they are girls or boys. Or you can do what I do, And treat yourself! V-Day is also day to love yourself if you have no one else to give the love to. Go out and treat yourself to something you want and relax do stuff you like. Usually what I do is get lots of chocolate and be lazy as heck LMAO.
Feb 06, 15 at 10:18am
Yeah, I'll do it then! I'll be careful to not cross the line. I can easily take the relationship to the next level if I wanted to, but I don't want to do that to her just in order not to feel lonely.
Feb 08, 15 at 8:49am
Yeah. If you're both feeling lonely on Valentine's Day then there's a mutual benefit to it. I never felt lonely on Valentine's Day until I started trying to date again.. go figure :)
ahhh, glad to see I'm not the only holiday drinker here :p Christmas time and Thanksgiving get me good ah tell 'ya . Anyway, in reference to your situation, If you know she is interested in you in that way, or sexually, yeah, let her know you just want to hangout, maybe even say Valentines Day makes you a bit lonesome.
I would ask her out if I were you, just make sure you take some things into consideration. Even though you are friends, be sure both of you know each other inside and out first. The most important part of starting a relationship is making sure you two are comfortable being around each other. It sounds like a no-brainer but you'd be surprised at how many relationships I've seen end from people just avoiding another. Plot out your limits and what goals you want to accomplish with a relationship, but don't go overboard and treat it like a test. I wrote something on another thread I feel like pasting here would be beneficial for you to read. Keep this stuff in mind with it being valentines day and all: "Personally I think when someone breaks the ice and asks me out to something, let's say a movie, I'd want to make it absolutely clear to myself that I would be going out to spend time with them rather than to just see a free movie. Removing these gimmicks removes an obvious problematic factor I've perceived in relationships - loving the other for the wrong reasons. Let's be honest, when we find somebody we adore we go out of our way to impress them, and when we do, we take a shot a a relationship without really getting to know them first. Let's say one of us finds somebody we like for... sexual reasons. (OwO) That one of us may commit themselves to that person for awhile just to get a taste of them (pun intended), but soon learn that factors of their life don't match up with their own. They could be an alcoholic, a sex-offender, etc. This is the part of the relationship people outweigh the pros and the cons. Let's say one of us can't deal with one of those people, but we let it slide because of how sexually attractive the other is. We shouldn't do this, and this is what I'm trying to avoid. As the relationship develops, we start to really think about these factors we were so ignorant of before. This is why people 'change'. People suddenly realize after being with another that those odds that they mis-scaled don't really add up right, leading to an unhealthy and sometimes violent breakup. For me, I want love without contrivances; I don't want there to be any constituents that stand out about the most important part of the date, the other person." In a just, don't ask her out just so you can have somebody to be with for valentines day. That's stupid. Make sure she feels the same. Best of luck with her! ♥
If you break it down properly I'm sure she will not get the wrong idea. And besides, Valentines Day isn't really nothing... at least to me lol. Have fun okay?
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