Anime Expo 2015

Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
Anime Expo 2015
Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
This account has been suspended.

meister24 @meister24
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Anime Expo 2015
meister24 @meister24
Didn't know it'll be held in July! Did you get the premier ticket? That thing is more expensive than I thought..

doctorkrieger @doctorkrieger
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Anime Expo 2015
doctorkrieger @doctorkrieger
I'm planning on going, and cosplaying too. 95% of the people that go to these cons are super nice, so it'll be no problem meeting new people. I do recommend going along with someone, it makes it a little easier to get used to the culture. Keep posting if you have any questions, we're glad to be helpful :)

neeto @neet_one
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Anime Expo 2015
neeto @neet_one
I've been thinking about going, dunno for sure yet though. Likewise it would be my first.

Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
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Anime Expo 2015
Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
This account has been suspended.

doctorkrieger @doctorkrieger
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Anime Expo 2015
doctorkrieger @doctorkrieger
What part of the country do you live in?

Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
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Anime Expo 2015
Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
This account has been suspended.

doctorkrieger @doctorkrieger
commented on
Anime Expo 2015
doctorkrieger @doctorkrieger
lol, i live in the lancaster area

akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
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Anime Expo 2015
akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
I'll be going this year :D can't wait for it. I'm saving up money so I can buy figures!!!

zacksprague @zacksprague
commented on
Anime Expo 2015
zacksprague @zacksprague
I bought my ticket, I am going so everyone whos going add me :D! I want to meet you all! Me and my 5 friends are driving to LA from Texas in One Day!
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