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How should I cope with past heartbreaks?

Sorry to hear that but yeah like people have said already long distance relationships are risky and rarely work out. I know it's hard but you just gotta move on, try to forget about him, and hopefully you'll have better luck next time. If he left without having the decency to say anything he was probably a bit of a jerk anyway.
You will get over it.. I know. It is a time thing, longer for some than others. BUT for the future.. I would take things slowly before allowing such strong emotional attachments to form. To know just a bit more certainly that the person who you are allowing to live in your mind cares for you in the same regard before giving him so much mind-time which only strengthens your emotions toward him. Not saying you rushed things this time or anything.. IDK.. But Love and War.. Some guys and gals are really heartless sometimes.
It's sad to say it, but "time" is the only thing that can truly heal your pains... I personally like long distance relationships since I have work all but Sunday, and even then I'm busy at church and events, but it really can be challenging some times... Just work hard and strive for your future in school and studies Prussia, the more you achieve and accomplish to better yourself in life, the more beautiful and happy you will become :) Just love yourself Prussia, and others will love you too :D -Cyber hug and hair ruffle-
We are the same age so I think I understand what you're saying, like many of the people said before time is the best solution, and don't give up on love,there's many guys who aren't assholes
You always take this big risk when doing long distance. Hope you can find a way to forget about it.
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