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How should I cope with past heartbreaks?

Okay, so I use to be in this relationship with someone I really liked, it was long distance though. We would video chat and talk on the phone all the time so it wasn't like I was bein catfished. He would always tell me I was perfect in his eyes and that he loved me, about a month before our 1 year anneverairy he vanished, I tried calling him, texting him, etc. i eventualy texted one of his friends, who confirmed he stil had a facebook, skype and etc etc. That she said she'd ask him to message me, and he said he woul yet he never did. I think he was cheating on me and it has been a year since then. Yet he still plagues my mind...What should I do?
All you can do is move on. Be with friends, family, work, hobbies...etc anything that keeps you from dwelling . Just about everyone deals with heart break at some point. Also, if you have to have a relationship at your age, long distance is not the way to go unless you can eventually meet.
Prussia, I kinda know how you feel. There was a girl I met online a few months ago which seemed like the one. We chatted for a few days, but I could sense that she was not into me at all. One day, she suddenly stopped talking to me all together. It felt terrible, especially since she was the only girl I felt a shred of attraction to. Now I just try not to think about her anymore. After all, you have no idea what life may throw at you next ;)
Yeah, both of you are right, especially about the whol forgetting the person thing, and about the life thing. Thanks, means a lot you guys,
Long story short, Forget about him and move on.
I know that feeling *virtual hug* that's it... Long distance relationships rarely work out... :(
I get how you feel. It's easier to say "move on" than to actually do it; you close your eyes and he/she is there. Personally, I was in a similar situation to yours; in my case, both of us just couldn't find time to keep up with each other due to distance and 12hr+ time zone differences. While the pain never truly goes away, because he/she holds a very dear place in your heart, I choose to remember the fun times, the goofy times, the emotional roller-coaster-what-just-happened times when I think back of her and say "Thank you, dear. You may be gone but I wish you the best wherever and whenever you are." At least, that's how I made the closure.
Yeah, I do the same. Whenever I watch Rent or listen to certain songs I see him. *Sighs* It was fun. His jokes (That sometimes had questionable meanings) Were so funny!!
and to beavind *Virtural hug back* Thanks hun
You're still only 16 and have your whole life ahead of you. stop worrying about a guy who obviously is no longer interested and find someone actually worth your time and attention.
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