What's your all time favorite game?

applecaeks @applecaeks
What's your all time favorite game?
applecaeks @applecaeks
Don't make a list, it has to be your number one. Bonus points for giving reasons why it's your number one.

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
Personally, Halo 3...the game ain't the best in the world, especially now, but Ive had a shit ton of great memories of that game when I was younger...used to just make random friends on multiplayer then screw around on other gamemodes and maps for around 2 whole years, then it finally died out....

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
neeto @neet_one
Banjo-Kazooie comes to mind. That game was great on so many levels.

Professor Patrick @hero_monkey
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
Professor Patrick @hero_monkey
Probably Raiden or Spyro on the first Playstation console. Good times, good times... Honestly, most of it died after the PS2. PS2 was the last good console for gaming. Sigh... Now I'm just playing the crap outta MW2 and RPGs on the 360

swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
Devil Maybe Cry 3 special edition. It was something new for me to enjoy because I got bored with every other genre and it had some RPG elements when it came to leveling up weapons.

meister24 @meister24
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
meister24 @meister24
Chrono Cross. Its soundtrack blew out my mind when I played it as a 10-year old; it was as if I was in the game itself instead of just being the guy who presses console buttons. Plus, it's a worthy sequel of Chrono Trigger (ties a few loopholes while opening bigger ones though). What caught my attention then, and still so today, is its beginning prose:
"What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?
Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time.
But for a certanty, back then
We loved so many yet hated so much
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves.
Yet even then we ran like the wind
Whilst our laughter echoed
Under cerulean skies...."

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
God, I feel old.
Hearing halo 3 made me facepalm.
Banjo and spyro (depending on which) are the closest to the oldies.
For me, Earthbound by a hair, followed by Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy 6, respectfully.

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
Lol everyone has different experiences (ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
It may be true, but halo?
Gotta look into some good FPS ;)

Professor Patrick @hero_monkey
commented on
What's your all time favorite game?
Professor Patrick @hero_monkey
Ah, yes... The FPS games. Halo isn't that bad, Halo: CE was pretty intense. Duke Nukem and Doom, both still holds the record for me for best FPS of all time. But if we're talking about the more recent ones, nothing tops Bioshock. Although, I'm still playing MW2 for some reason... Something about it just keeps bringing me back
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