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Do you ever get nervous?

As the title leads to, do you ever get nervous when speaking to a woman, or man, for women, whom you don't know well? I seem to sometimes falter in my speech when I'm talking to a particularly beautiful girl. Usually the girl blushes a deep red, and then I think to myself, "WHY'S SHE BLUSHING!??" as if she's in cahoots with some kind of secret society of women necromancers. I was wondering if this is a "fault" of mine, or if it happens to a great deal of men/women. Thanks!
All the time. I mix my words up and end up having to repeat myself. We prefer to be called the Secret Society of Female Necromancers (SSFN)
I don't know about nervous. I can just never think of anything to say. I'd be like: So, you're a person huh? How's that working out for you?
I use to be, But now I take it in stride. I just talk to them like everyone else and if it leads to something, It leads to something. Though the blushing thing probably means she got the hots for you, Probably depending on the weather.
Jan 03, 15 at 11:17pm
mostly depends on the situation. like if I think they're gonna attack me or something. other than that not really. used to but I've kinda learned to stop caring.
Quite a lot of the time, especially when my auntie asks if I have a girlfriend yet with my family in the room >_<
Well, I stutter a bit when someone starts talking to me out of the blue. I just hate it when I don't have a ready-made plan for a conversation. Basically, the less of a fuck you give, the smoother the convo goes. If you make a conversational mistake, then either joke your way out or act like a naive idiot. At least, that is what I learned after studying people for a bit...
Really bad at conversations
Hmm..maybe if it's a date-ish sort of atmosphere on a one-on-one meeting? Otherwise, inviting them out for lunch/dinner/coffee to catch up or know more about them is equivalent to a chill-out moment.
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