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What do girls REALLY want?

Disney knows http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdy5fpiCaX1r06m1wo1_500.gif
Sex sex sex sex. No, but, really, I don't understand the question.
I don't think girls like to be asked this question... If they want sex...the're not going to say it If they want money...The're not going to admit it If they want a certain attributes/personality...They will be so picky because they know what they want that they wont conform for a guy willing to give them their all. If they do tell you...HOLLELUYA JESUS!! Thank you for being honest. ^+^ I have read online profiles that say "I want a person who is only into god" "I want a tall white man" "You Better have a car and a Job" O_o <true story You can happily skip their profiles no drama no time wasted ^-^ I don't know how to put vidz n pix up but this is perfect for this thread ^+^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=838drzqJRIo
Girls want: love, respect, support, and attention even if you give us all we want, if you dont give that 4 important things in our life, we will not be truly happy..
Those are really good ones mekaneko07. Here was a funny and very cynical one I found on the webs: Women want a zoo: A tiger in the bed, A jaguar in the garage, A mink on her back, And a jackass to pay for it all.
Depends. female humans ("girls") are humans. And just like all humans, they can want many things and maybe nothing. Or one thing.
Mar 06, 15 at 8:15pm
I have no clue. Probably why i'm always friendzoned XD.
Mar 06, 15 at 8:33pm
They want ME!
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