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Dating at almost 30 - Need to marry/have kids?

I haven't even had my first date and I'm 29, and I'm afraid that the girl who I could date will ask me for kids when I'm not ready for any of them, specially the last one since women's biological clock is on it's countdown at these ages and the age where having kids for them is risky is just around the corner. And even when I'm not ready, people assume I'm looking for marriage and kids when it's not true, I'm not looking for any of those. So, does it automatically mean that? Is there something I can do to avoid it?
I'm only 16 so I haven't a clue what being almost 30 is like. I guess, by the people who assume you're looking for marriage you mean by family, friends, just people? If it's just people then just say you're not, but don't be afraid that a girl will want kids. I'm sure there are plenty of girls in the same shoes as you right now. If a girl asks for kids and marriage, just say you aren't ready and if they don't like that, tough xD. Same goes for anybody, guy and girl. You're ready when you're ready :) (that's what she said *snicker*) Sorry
Wait- So if you're a woman over 30 all you want is kids? You sir, are a sexualist!
Yup. You tell them that you're not looking for those things. Will it limit your options? Not as much as you'd think. Not every woman wants to have kids or get married.You can still date young twenties and not have to worry about that anyways. Remember, you have cconvictions and you don't have to change them for anyone, but you have to realize they may limit your options a little. Als, stop worrying so much, you haven't even been on one date yet and I highly doubt you'd meet a woman who wants to get married and pop out kids just upon meeting you. Worry about your lack of confidence and improving yourself before you do anything else.
Bruh if you dont want kids them dont do it. It'll be a 50/50 risk. You will either love the little midgets or end up resenting them.
Just be up front about not wanting kids, not all women want them around that age. That or look for younger women.
I'm 38, unmarried, don't have children, and don't want children. I have found that it is always best to be honest and up front about the kids issue. The minute things start to get serious, let them know your feelings. Not all women want children. I haven't dated one yet that didn't want children, but they are out there. I have met women that didn't want children, we just weren't compatible in any other way.
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